On Thu, 14 Mar 2024, Michael van Elst wrote:

p...@whooppee.com (Paul Goyette) writes:

as soon as you proceed past this point (including normal non-single-
user boot), the dwiic starts spewing time-out messages.  These
messages come every 0.5 second or so, and there's usually a hundred
or more messages before they stop;  in some cases the messages have
continued to stream by for several minutes (at which point I pressed
the reset button).  The value for %d is always 0 or 1.

Probably result of

GENERIC:ihidev* at iic?

that is probing for a modern laptop touchpad.

Can you disable ihidev instead of dwiic and see what happens then ?

No change.  It attaches dwiic0 and then starts with the messages.

| Paul Goyette (.sig) | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:    |
| (Retired)           | 1B11 1849 721C 56C8 F63A | p...@whooppee.com    |
| Software Developer  | 6E2E 05FD 15CE 9F2D 5102 | pgoye...@netbsd.org  |
| & Network Engineer  |                          | pgoyett...@gmail.com |

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