On Wed, Mar 20, 2024 at 20:37:09 +0100, Riccardo Mottola wrote:

> Boot, dmesg, login come up fine, no issue.
> Certain programs however print out the text by making only a NL and no
> CR, making a staircase effect.
> E.g. pkgin or dhcpcd do that.
> Sometimes in this situation also keyboard input stops to work, e.g.
> pkgin asks Y/n and typing does nothing.
> dhcpcd completes without issues.

May be something weird in your /etc/ttys?  Like getty on both cons*
and ttyE0 and the like?

The input either works and just not echo'ed and needs explicit ^J
instead or <enter> to get read by the program.  Or it may be stolen by
the other program reading from the terminal.

Switch to another console and check "ps auxww" output for processes
that use ttyE0.

> Using bash however seems fine.

readline explicitly manipulates tty state, so it can dodge a lot of
weird terminal conditions.


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