On Mar 29, 2017, at 11:49 AM, Tony Arcieri <basc...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Tue, Mar 28, 2017 at 5:25 PM, Trevor Perrin <tr...@trevp.net> wrote:
> So maybe the question is how much you care about spending a little
> extra effort in key derivation to make the keys a little safer with
> existing DH software?  I.e., do you multiply by the scalar as part of
> derivation, or leave that for a future DH operation?
> This is what has always confused me: the clamping procedure used by Ed25519 
> seems "inherited" from X25519[1], ostensibly for some case where you may want 
> to take an Ed25519 key, convert it to an X25519 key, and use it for D-H. 
> Aside from libsodium providing an API for doing so, I haven't actually seen 
> anyone do this.

SC4 does this.  The idea is that it can help with identity binding.  If Alice 
publishes a proof-of-identity signed by an Ed25519 key then Bob can send her an 
asynchronously encrypted message using the corresponding Curve25519 key to 
derive a shared secret.  (Note that SC4 was designed before X3DH was published.)

> It seems like if you want to support a scheme which works for both signatures 
> and D-H, maybe it would be better to define the scheme in terms of 
> Montgomery, so it can be used directly with X25519, and then use XEd25519 for 
> signatures.

What would be the benefit?  It seems to me that it doesn’t really matter much 
one way or the other, but if you’re going to convert one to the other then it 
seems to make more sense to derive the DH key from the DSA key because going 
the other way you lose the sign of the Y coordinate.


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