On Thu, Oct 20, 2016 at 07:37:41PM -0400, Trevor Perrin wrote:
I'm happy to announce that a spec for the "XEd25519" signature
algorithm used in Signal is available at [1].

Feedback is welcome, ...

Thanks for all your work on this, Trevor.

Is the source markup for this document in git somewhere? I'd put up pull requests for these suggestions if it were.

Having two different values named A makes the document excessively confusing to the non-expert. We can avoid some confusion if we rename one of them, for example keep $A$ for the curve constant and use `Ak` for the twisted Edwards point representation of the public key. (This will be somewhat confusing with the `kB` notation used for multiplication in `calculate_key_pair` so perhaps this also demands writing multiplication `k * B`, which is unfortunate but perhaps not a blocker.)

I'd be more comfortable if the pseudocode explicitly called out the bytes-to-integer and integer-to-bytes conversion that's defined in 2.4; as it stands, the document can only be read sequentially starting at the beginnning, every time I need to refer to it, because the implicit conversions are critical to understanding section 3 and xeddsa_verify.

Having one spec defining four different functions (XEd25519, VXEd25519, XEd448, VXEd448) makes some of the definitions general enough to be hard for the non-specialist reader to make concrete. I'd have an easier time understanding XEd25519 in a standalone spec. But there's a tradeoff, the symmetry in the specs is worth preserving, so maybe this spec should remain general and once the standards are finalized, a more concrete implementor's guide can be written.

There aren't any test vectors in the spec, and only one in curve25519-java/android/jni/ed25519/tests/tests.c that I've found so far. A few more wouldn't hurt.

It'd also be nice to have fully worked examples, but that definitely doesn't belong in the spec; I'll see if I can generate an appropriate document as part of my current project.

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