> On May 19, 2017, at 6:29 AM, Rene Struik <rstruik....@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi Trevor:
> This simply illustrates that one should not mindlessly copy co-factor scalar 
> multiplication code, without understanding that the map [k]: k --> kQ for a 
> point Q of order d is only 1-1 if gcd(k,d)=1.
> The [k] map is 1-1 for any point Q on the curve if one picks k co-prime to 
> the curve's order (since Q's order d divides |E|=h*n). For Curve25519, one 
> can pick k odd and co-prime to n, e.g., k=2*k0+1, where k0 in [1, (n-1)/2] 
> (or simply pick k  to be a 252-bit integer, where one simply sets the 
> lowest-order bit to 1 [note that n> 2^{252}, so k<n then (I think this was 
> Dan Bernstein's original argument in the Curve25519 paper to pick an order 
> slightly above the 252-bit mark]).

Right.  This is a signature verification, probably Schnorr, so hashing to an 
odd number might have fixed it.

> Disclaimer: I do not know any CryptoNote details, so picking k as above may 
> not work in their case.

Like Rene, I’m speculating.

> Nevertheless, this seems to be a bug.
> Rene
> On 5/18/2017 9:31 PM, Trevor Perrin wrote:
>> Interesting bug:
>> https://getmonero.org/2017/05/17/disclosure-of-a-major-bug-in-cryptonote-based-currencies.html
>> I don't know much about CryptoNote, but I think this is the story:
>> They sign transactions with a ring signature scheme so the signature
>> can be verified without knowing which of several private keys produced
>> it.  Private keys are intended to be used once.  To prevent
>> double-spending, the signature contains a "tag" or "key image" which
>> will be the same if the same private key is used.
>> However, the tag is just a point on the 25519 curve encoded in Ed25519
>> format, and verification performs scalar-multiplication with some
>> scalar and this point.  I guess the signer can control this scalar to
>> be a multiple of the cofactor, in which case it's possible to find
>> "equivalent" tags by adding small-order points to the tag, defeating
>> the double-spending protection.
>> This is the most dramatic case I've seen of an "equivalent" EC point
>> affecting a protocol, so it's an interesting data point.  It's worth
>> pondering what this means for protocol design and safe use of EC.
>> The obvious fixes are:
>>  (A) Since the signature is intended to bind a unique tag value, the
>> tag should have been hashed as a signature input.
>>  (B) Doing a "full validation" scalar-multiplication to reject points
>> outside the main subgroup also prevents this, though with a
>> computation cost (note that a check that only rejects small-order
>> points, such as the "all-zeros" check, doesn't help here).
>> (B) is what's being deployed, for compatibility, but I assume (A) is
>> what they wished they had done.
>> Perhaps this also argues that future complex protocols should consider
>> something like Mike Hamburg's Decaf (but does this work with 25519?),
>> or the "torsion-safe representatives" Henry de Valence was recently
>> proposing?  Or just prime-order curves?

Decaf does work for Curve25519.  It’s in the paper, and Henry+Isis and I have 
independently implemented it.

In fact, it turns out there are multiple ways to do it for Curve25519 based on 
the paper, and Henry+Isis and I probably picked different ones (but we haven’t 
cross-tested yet, so we aren’t sure).  So the curve25519 encode and decode 
functions in libdecaf should probably be considered unstable for now, as should 
the ones in Henry+Isis’ golang library.

>> Other thoughts?
>> Trevor
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