Hello curves fans,

another article in my introductory series about elliptic curves used in
cryptography is out[1]. This time it is about point addition on elliptic
curve in simple Weierstrass form over R and GF(p). For those following
my discussion with Brad earlier, you can see the graphical
representation of infinite straight line over GF(p) torus in the
video[2] - around 0:45 it becomes closed. I would appreciate any
feedback regarding the article format, visualizations or anything else -
just, please, bear in mind that the intended audience are real beginners
and therefore I have omitted some things and want to explain them in the
future separately.



[1] https://trustica.cz/en/2018/03/15/elliptic-curves-point-addition/

[2] https://youtu.be/Vrx7SNnYHfI

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