Hi Rene,

>at negligible incremental cost (a few field multiplies) even if one
implements ECDH using
>Montgomery ladders and is only given the x-coordinate of a point

If you transfer the full point coordinates the cost indeed might be
small. If you spare the communication bandwidth and transfer the
x-coordinate only, you need code and computation for a full field
exponentiation (square root). IMO, this is worth to be spared, at least
on small targets.



Am 12.06.2020 um 14:55 schrieb Rene Struik:
Hi Bjorn:

Why not simply check whether the point is on the curve? Within the
context of DH schemes, this is trivial to do and comes at negligible
incremental cost (a few field multiplies) even if one implements ECDH
using Montgomery ladders and is only given the x-coordinate of a point.

Best regards, Rene

On 6/12/2020 3:32 AM, Björn Haase wrote:
Hi to all,

I am currently re-working the security proof for CPace
https://datatracker.ietf.org/doc/draft-haase-cpace/ such that tight
computational bounds for the adversary could be given.

In this context, I am still looking for the name and defininition of the
problem that captures the feature of "twist security", i.e. for the
tight reduction for the case where an active adversary passes a point on
the twist to a honest party.

I did not find an established security notion so far that captures this
property so that I could re-use it in the re-worked proof.
I'd coin it "exponential transfer" and formulate it in the way:
Given two groups (modulo negation) J and J' with co-factors c and c' in
which the discrete logarithm problem is assumed to be hard in the prime
order subgroup and with c' = n * c and d=max(c,c'), the *exponential
transfer problem * is defined as:
Given two points B,X = B^(d * x) in J: Provide two points B' and X' in
J' with X' = B'^(d * x).
I'd like to avoid having to newly define it myself. I would very much
appreciate if anybody could give me a pointer.
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