
The CVE Program is preparing for the deployment of the CVE Record Submission 
and Upload Service 
and an updated data format (i.e., CVE JSON 

The program thanks those of you who participated in previous milestones (e.g., 
early adoption of the CVE ID Reservation, CVE Services Requirements collection, 
CVE Services code development and review, Penetration Testing and Security 
analysis) as we move forward with development, testing, and deployment.

A request for continued support: CVE Services 2.1 Penetration Testing II, July 
18-July 29

We performed Penetration Testing on CVE Services 
2.1<> in 
March 2022, during which we identified issues that must be addressed prior to 
RSUS and JSON 5.0 deployment.

Beginning July 18 (and running through July 29) we will be engaging in another 
round of community penetration testing to achieve a level of assurance 
necessary to deploy. The program needs your help! The community is an integral 
part of building assurance and previously made substantial contributions from a 
testing perspective.

If you have interest, contact the AWG Chair Kris 
Britton<> and he will get you the information you need 
to get started.

If you cannot participate in the Penetration Testing II event, you can still 
get familiar with CVE Services 2.1

CVE Services 2.1 will be a major upgrade to CVE Services 1.1.1 as it will 
provide the API for "client applications" to not only reserve CVE IDs in "near 
real time" and manage your own "user base" but it will also support the 
automated submission and update of CVE Records. When it is deployed, CNAs will 
be able "Post" records immediately to the CVE List with the records being 
available to the public in near real-time.

Contact AWG Chair Kris Britton<> if you have interest 
in either of the following:

  *   Using the "CVE Services Testing Instance" to test your client for CVE 
Services 2.1.
  *   Joining the CVE Automation Working Group 
(AWG)<>, which meets every 
Tuesday to discuss requirements, status, and all things related to CVE Services.

Comments or Concerns

Please respond to this email message or use the CVE Program Web 
Forms<> (select the "Other" form) to contact us with 
any comments or concerns.

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