CVE Board Meeting Notes

October 26, 2022 (9:00 am – 11:00 am EDT)

·       9:00-9:05        Introduction

·       9:05-10:25      Topics

o   WG Updates

o   Welcome New Board Member

·       10:25-10:35    Open Discussion

·       10:35-10:55    Review of Action Items

·       10:55-11:00    Closing Remarks
New Action Items from Today’s Meeting
Action Item #
New Action Item
Responsible Party
Identify HW vendors participating in CVE Program; compare CWE HW SIG membership 
to CNA membership and report results.

Develop new board member welcome kit.

Working Group Updates

  *   Automation Working Group (AWG)
     *   During October, the AWG focused on CVE Services 2.1 soft deployment.
     *   The two phases of soft deploy went as planned and ended October 25.
     *   A few issues (from a down-convert perspective) between JSON 4 and JSON 
5 were identified during soft deployment. None were show-stoppers, and hard 
deployment will proceed as planned. Messaging to the user community about these 
issues will be discussed at the TWG meeting on October 27.
  *   Outreach and Communications Working Group (OCWG)
     *   Working with CNACWG; blog content has been developed and posted.
     *   Current project is developing messaging to help counter concerns or 
objections to becoming a CNA.
     *   Next project will be making sure that 2023 Summit content can be 
recorded, and that content can be broken out into discrete topics for 
     *   OCWG meeting attendance has been up and down lately, and some key 
members have moved on.
  *   CNA Coordination Working Group (CNACWG)
     *   There have been some new CNAs participating in the WG meeting.
     *   CNAs have expressed interest in the upcoming workshop, so they can 
learn more about the new CVE services.
     *   The chair suggested that maybe the CNA Operational Rules could be 
updated more frequently/incrementally (continuous integration, continuous 
deployment – CICD), rather than just a ‘big’ version update that occurs less 
frequently. There is a sense the CNA community would like that and benefit.
        *   The idea would be to update continuously for small or quick 
updates, but still have significant version updates as needed for bigger and 
more time-consuming changes.
        *   Incremental updates would be reserved for those that do not disrupt 
a CNA’s workflow.
        *   The change would require ‘retooling’ of the current update process 
and selection of the technology or platform to use. It would also require 
criteria/rules to distinguish a small update from a big update.
        *   Members liked the idea, and there was agreement by the Board 
members in attendance to ask the SPWG to flesh out the idea for further 
  *   Quality Working Group (QWG)
     *   Version 5 schema has been finalized and released.
     *   About 15 issues have been identified with the new schema and these 
will be addressed in version 5.1. One example is users would like the ability 
to add hardware version identification to a CVE Record.
     *   None of these issues are major or interfering with CNA work.
     *   It was suggested to leave 5.0 in place long enough to identify other 
issues that may have not been discovered yet, given the early stage of 
     *   QWG will collaborate with AWG to define the 5.1 updates and determine 
a logical time to release.
     *   Slides/content about potential schema updates and timing will be 
prepared by QWG for the upcoming CVE Services 2.1 workshop on November 2.
  *   Transition Working Group (TWG)
     *   Recent activity has focused on preparing for the workshop on November 
     *   A member asked about current status of the next bulletin to the user 
        *   AWG and OCWG worked together to draft Bulletin #11. The next step 
is review by TWG, hopefully at the TWG meeting on October 27.
        *   Target posting/publishing is by the end of this week.
  *   Strategic Planning Working Group (SPWG)
     *   The current major activity is finalizing the CVE Program Governance 
and Organization document. No set timeline yet for completion.
     *   The next big activity will be finalizing the CNA Operational Rules 
Welcome New Board Member

  *   Pete Allor (Red Hat, Inc.) is the Board’s newest member, as of October 24.
Open Discussion

  *   CVE Record Dispute Policy
     *   A researcher filed a dispute for CVE record 
2022-28958<>, which is on the 
CISA KEV<> list. 
The researcher disputes that the vulnerability is a real vulnerability.
     *   The dispute was filed October 3 (est.), and after three weeks, the 
researcher had not heard back about status of the dispute.
     *   The recent Dispute Policy update specifies SLAs that have already been 
     *   The Secretariat will look into what happened with this dispute, and 
how there can be better communications about dispute process status.
     *   Disputes about records on the 
KEV<> list should 
be communicated to CISA.
  *   Hardware CVE Records
     *   NIST has responsibility under the CHIPS 
Act<> which is about improving 
chip capability production capabilities in the U.S. and improving security in 
     *   There have been recent discussions between NIST and stakeholders about 
this subject, and some feedback has been provided about the lack of CVE records 
for hardware vulnerabilities.
     *   It is not always easy to identify a hardware vulnerability. Some 
vulnerabilities are easy to distinguish between software or hardware, but in 
other cases it is not clear. Better definition of a hardware vulnerability 
would help.
     *   It is not currently easy to query records to identify which ones (or 
how many) are hardware vulnerabilities. How can the program get better data for 
this? Also, how can the program improve its process for assigning hardware 
        *   NIST is interested in getting experts together to look into how to 
answer these questions. Are members of the Board interested? An email will be 
sent to the Board to gauge interest.
        *   Maybe add a hardware tag to the record.
     *   The question was asked about the level of hardware vendor CNA 
involvement in the CVE Program. The program will look into this and report 
back. A review of which CWE HW SIG members are CVE CNAs will be conducted and 
the results reported to the Board on the private email list.
     *   Members of the program will attend a CWE HW SIG meeting to discuss the 
value proposition of participating in CVE.
     *   The suggestion was made to provide guidance on how to choose the 
correct communication channel for different messaging/audiences. For example, 
private or public list, Slack, Discord, etc. The Secretariat will include this 
information in a new board member welcome kit. A Board channel in Slack was 
created during this discussion, and the link will be provided via email.
  *   JSON 5.0 Character Limits
     *   The Secretariat sent an email to NIST concerning whether JSON 5.0 
character limits affect NVD’s<> ability to pull data from 
     *   Questions about/for NVD can be directed straight to them.
Next CVE Board Meetings

·       Wednesday, November 9, 2022, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EST)

·       Wednesday, November 23, 2022, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

·       Wednesday, December 7, 2022, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EST)

·       Wednesday, December 21, 2022, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

·       Wednesday, January 4, 2023, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EST)

·       Wednesday, January 18, 2023, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)
Discussion Topics for Future Meetings

·       CVE Services 2.1 updates (on-going)

·       Working Group updates (every other meeting)

·       Council of Roots meeting highlights (aligned with Council of Roots 
meeting dates)

·       Researcher Working Group proposal for Board review

·       Vision Paper and Annual Report

·       Secretariat review of all CNA scope statements

·       Proposed vote to allow CNAs to assign for insecure default 

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