CVE Board Meeting Notes

December 13, 2023 (2:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST)



o    Welcome to New Board Member

o    Glossary and CNA Rules

o    CVE-Like Programs (!CVE, Language Model Vulnerabilities and Exposures 

o    Post Workshop Survey

Open Discussion

Review of Action Items

Closing Remarks
New Action Items from Today’s Meeting
Action Item #
New Action Item
Responsible Party

Reach out to LVE to learn more about what they do, and how to work with CVE.

Welcome to New Board Member

  *   The Board welcomed its newest member, approved last week by majority 
vote. The two week voting period remains open until December 18.
Glossary and CNA Rules

  *   The current Rules update includes tweaks to existing terminology and the 
introduction of new terms.
  *   The SPWG will send to the Board the updated glossary with a strong 
recommendation to approve. This is the first step in approving the Rules update.
  *   The term “CVE Record Format” will be added to the glossary.
  *   The current glossary can be found 
  *   The SPWG expects to release the Rules draft in early January for a first 
review by CNAs. The review period will last four weeks, followed by a two week 
update cycle. The revised update will then be distributed for review to a 
broader group.
CVE-Like Programs (!CVE, Language Model Vulnerabilities and Exposures [LVEs])

  *   The CVE Program will reach out to !CVE to better understand their 
concerns and see if there is a way to work together.
  *   Another organization, Language Vulnerabilities and Exposures 
(LVE<>), also appears to 
be working in an area where CVE may have interest. The program will reach out 
to them (action item) to start the conversation.
  *   It may be appropriate to invite them to a Board meeting, but reach out 
informally first.
  *   Do the Rules need changes or additions to be more inclusive?
Post Workshop Survey

  *   Only open ended questions were asked. There were three respondents.
  *   Results:

The workshop was valuable with interesting sessions, and was clearly presented.

The program needs to find new ways to get new CNAs engaged.

  *   The onboarding process encourages new CNAs to get involved. A new slide 
was recently added to the onboarding materials to highlight CNACWG benefits and 
the Mentoring Program.
  *   More participation in the survey would have provided more information for 
improvement ideas. A suggestion was made to send out the survey right after the 
workshop next time. Have it ready. Another idea for consideration is requiring 
registration, even if the event is free, for better tracking of who is coming.
Open Discussion

  *   Spring 2024 Conference

     *   There was discussion about metrics and surveys for the upcoming 
conference in 2024 with Registration metrics for the in-person and 
virtual options should be possible. Surveys should also be possible, but this 
has not been discussed. The cost for registration will be $250 to attend the 
three day event in-person. For virtual or to attend one day as a speaker, 
registration is $100.
     *   There have been 13 submissions for the Call for Papers.

  *   Malformed CVE Records

     *   The program has an ongoing problem with CVE Records that are 
malformed. The QWG has been talking about ways to deal with this problem. One 
idea is to have someone be an editor of record content before the record gets 
published. Need to define and implement editorial standards that all records 
would be expected to meet.
     *   Two examples of malformed are not adhering to program rules, and not 
keeping up with record schema updates.
     *   QWG will continue their discussions on this and come back to the Board 
with some ideas for moving forward. If interested, please attend the QWG 
Review of Action Items
Out of time.
Next CVE Board Meetings

Wednesday, January 10, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

Wednesday, January 24, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EST)

Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EST)

Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EDT)
Discussion Topics for Future Meetings

Sneak peek/review of annual report template SPWG is working on

Bulk download response from community about Reserved IDs

CVE Services updates and website transition progress (as needed)

Working Group updates (every other meeting)

Council of Roots update (every other meeting)

Researcher Working Group proposal for Board review

Vision Paper and Annual Report

Secretariat review of all CNA scope statements

Proposed vote to allow CNAs to assign for insecure default configurations

CVE Communications Strategy

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