CVE Board Meeting Notes

January 24, 2024 (2:00 pm – 4:00 pm EST)



o    CVE Leadership Meeting during VulnCon

o    Review of Comments for CVE Glossary Update

o    Status of Nominations for CNA Liaison

o    Board Discussions and Voting Process

Open Discussion

Review of Action Items

Closing Remarks
New Action Items from Today’s Meeting
Action Item #
New Action Item
Responsible Party

Schedule a meeting with NIST about status of industry consortium for NVD 

CVE Leadership Meeting during VulnCon

  *   Working to reserve space for Thursday and Friday (March 28 and 29), 
following the Spring 2024 VulnCon, for an in-person CVE leadership meeting.
  *   A room that can accommodate about 25 people is needed. This will allow 
room for Board members and others from program leadership.
  *   Agenda topics for the meeting are TBD, but may include, e.g., 
questions/concerns/ideas from VulnCon, next big steps for the program, etc.
Review of Comments for CVE Glossary Update

  *   As part of the Rules revision, the program Glossary also needed an 
update. The SPWG produced a draft for Board review with terms and definitions 
consolidated from different CVE documents. If approved, the Glossary will be 
posted to the website. The Rules Glossary will be consistent with that 
primary source.
  *   Many definitions have been modified, and new terms and definitions have 
been added.
  *   The goal here is to bring this up for a vote, once the open comments are 
  *   The current draft of the Glossary was shared. The Board participated in a 
review and finalized some terms.
  *   The finalized Glossary will be submitted for a vote by the Board via the 
Board list.
Status of Nominations for CNA Liaison

  *   Not covered, moved to next meeting.
Board Discussions and Voting Process

  *   Not covered, moved to next meeting.
Open Discussion

  *   Spring 2024 VulnCon Status

     *   The Vulnerability Conference and Events Working Group (VCEWG) is 
tracking agenda topics and the call for papers. There are currently 54 
submissions for the call for papers, and the review process begins next week.
     *   A panel discussion about vulnerability root cause mapping will be 
included on the agenda.
     *   About 75 registered attendees so far. We are planning for a maximum of 
about 400 attendees, but can go up to 570 if needed with an extra room.
     *   On the last day, there will be a wrap up and lessons learned session, 
like a lightning round.
     *   A couple sessions planned intended to drive the conversation about 
problems you need solved by the rest of the community.
     *   Logistics planning is underway, e.g., rooms, meals, beverages, evening 
events, recording capability.
     *   Planning to finalize the agenda in mid-February.

  *   The EU cybersecurity agency, ENISA, is now a CNA. As a CVE Partner, ENISA 
is integrating with CVE Program efforts around vulnerabilities.
  *   Board Notification of New CNAs Coming Onboard

     *   Is there a way for the Board to know what new CNAs are in the pipeline 
and close to onboarding, other than attending the Council of Roots meetings? It 
would be nice to have a chance to review the CNA prospect from the perspective 
of the type of organization, their business model, or any concerns the program 
may have about their participation.
     *   Comments:

        *   Agree that we should have some access to the pipeline snapshot at a 
Board call or via an email that goes to the Board list.
        *   The Secretariat can provide access to Board members so they can 
view the onboarding pipeline, or can prepare a report extract of pipeline 
status and share that on a recurring basis.
        *   Also consider documented guardrails and standards the Board expects 
Roots to abide by, to minimize instances where a CNA prospect is not 
appropriate for the program.
        *   Make the notifications more event driven, based on defined gates or 
milestones in the recruiting process. One challenge is that Roots may have 
their own internal processes for on boarding new CNAs, which could trigger a 
lot of events.
        *   Another idea is to periodically share at a Board meeting the queue 
of CNA prospects that are close to completion of onboarding.
        *   Whatever approach is taken, the Board needs to know well in advance 
of a formal and final onboarding date. We don’t want to reject someone late in 
the process.
        *   Understanding who’s in the pipeline can also help the program 
target recruitment in industries, or for organization types, that are not well 
represented on the program.

     *   Next steps: The Secretariat will share the pipeline at the next Board 
meeting. This will show the status of all of those onboarding. First agenda 
item at next meeting.

  *   Annual Report and 4th Quarter Report

     *   The Annual Report is being written now, and hopefully done in the next 
couple weeks for Board review.
     *   The 4th Quarter Report is going through review now and should be out 
in the next couple weeks.

  *   Rules Update Review Schedule

     *   The proposed schedule was presented for Board review and discussion. 
The SPWG will do one more review. When that is done, the review process will 
     *   The review process schedule was revised to add a two-week public 
review period.
     *   All comments will be read, but the program will not necessarily 
respond to, or adjudicate, each one. Prioritization of comments will depend on 
impact and importance.
     *   The Board agreed to the following schedule:

        *   Four-week review period by the program, particularly CNAs. Board 
members are encouraged to take advantage of this first review period and not 
wait until the end of the process.
        *   Two-week SPWG comment adjudication period, updated version released.
        *   Two-week review period by the general public. The method for 
commenting and receiving public input is TBD, but could include using GitHub, 
Google Docs, or Word or PDF.
        *   One week SPWG comment adjudication period, updated version released.
        *   Two-week review period and approval by the Board.

     *   This schedule wraps up in late April, which is too late for the Spring 
VulnCon. Highlights and key changes in the Rules may still be presented at 

  *   NIST and Industry Collaboration on NVD

     *   It was reported that NIST is standing up a consortium for 
collaborating with industry relating to the NVD and has offered to talk to the 
CVE Board.
     *   The Secretariat will coordinate the meeting (action item). All Board 
members will be invited.
Review of Action Items

  *   Out of time.
Next CVE Board Meetings

Wednesday, February 7, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

Wednesday, February 21, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EST)

Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EST)

Wednesday, March 20, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EDT)

Wednesday, April 3, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EDT)

Wednesday, April 17, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EDT)
Discussion Topics for Future Meetings

Share Pipeline status from

Nomination to the Board

Status of Nominations for CNA Liaison

Board Discussions and Voting Process

Sneak peek/review of annual report template SPWG is working on

Bulk download response from community about Reserved IDs

CVE Services updates and website transition progress (as needed)

Working Group updates (every other meeting)

Council of Roots update (every other meeting)

Researcher Working Group proposal for Board review

Vision Paper and Annual Report

Secretariat review of all CNA scope statements

Proposed vote to allow CNAs to assign for insecure default configurations

CVE Communications Strategy

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