CVE Board Meeting Notes

May 15, 2024 (2:00 pm – 4:00 pm EDT)

·       Introduction

·       Topics

     *   WG Updates
     *   SPWG recommends that changes to documents classified as rules/policy 
must be voted on by the Board
     *   CISA Vulnrichment ADP Governance

·       Open Discussion

·       Review of Action Items

·       Closing Remarks
New Action Items from Today’s Meeting
New Action Item
Responsible Party
Draft language for consideration and updating the Board Charter:

  *   To make explicit as to Board snap votes or two-week long votes depending 
on program document type and changes.
SPWG Chair
WG Updates (WG Chairs)

  *   COOP:
     *   Started updating the Charter to remove “Working Group” and update name 
(CNA Organization of Peers) throughout; these changes are all cosmetic and 
nothing procedural.
     *   Once all changes are made, a vote will be initiated to approve the 
updated charter.
  *   AWG:
     *   CVS services 2.3.1 (JSON 5.1) was successfully deployed on May 8.
     *   AWG is looking for a co-chair; there is currently one candidate under 
     *   Charter was last renewed in 2021, so the group is undergoing a review.
  *   OCWG:
     *   Added all the VulnCon videos to the CVE YouTube channel as an 
additional outlet in coordination with
        *   Promoted the addition of the videos with a blog and email to CNAs, 
CVE social media, and Slack.
     *   Continued promotion of the legacy download formats deprecation, and 
made the messaging a little more urgent, including multiple blog posts (over 
5000 views on Medium).
     *   Promoted the use of additional data fields as well as the data 
enrichment capabilities of the CVE Record format and also started promoting the 
CNA rules 4.0 via email to CNAs, blog, social media
        *   Webinar scheduled on this topic for June 5th; 67 registrants so 
far. This will be promoted a couple times a week.
        *   Set up an advanced questions survey for the webinar but have not 
had any submissions on that so far.
     *   Recorded a podcast about the new CNA rules.
     *   Not going to have an OCWG meeting more than once a month but there is 
a poll to discuss changing the time for international attendance.
  *   QCWG:
     *   Priority was getting the CVE Record Format (JSON 5.1.0 schema) out the 
door and making some structural changes to the schema just for better support 
going forward as opposed to trying to support multiple versions.
     *   Starting to go through the issues we have already for 5.2.0 release 
and some of the new ones that have been recently found and prioritizing those 
and figuring out what we what we want to include in 5.2.0.
  *   SPWG:
     *   Now that the CVE services have been updated to be able to support an 
ADP and we have two test pilots in progress, SPWG will be focused on clarifying 
the role of an ADP (will bring that of course back to the Board for review).
  *   TWG:
     *   Will begin to address the webpage and the enriched data to be added to 
CVE Records (e.g., CWE, CPE, CVSS).
  *   VCEWG:
     *   All videos from VulnCon have been posted. We are now looking to do 
some promotion of videos.
     *   For next VulnCon, we discussed a possible presentation where we talk 
about the life of a bug going through its lifecycle, which is all the things 
that touch CVE, the CWEs, the CVSS, the CPEs, and have each group talk about 
what happens from their perspective and what they're aiming for.
SPWG recommends that changes to documents classified as rules/policy must be 
voted on by the Board

  *   Discussion coming out of the SPWG with respect to some of the program 
documents, programmatic/process, and governance documents around rules and how 
changes in them should be a matter of a Board vote.

  *   Since these documents were originally voted on and approved - if there 
are necessary policy changes, the Board needs to vote on it. Any changes made 
to these documents must be transparent and changes should be approved, not just 
by the Secretariat, because these documents are for the management and guidance 
and governance of the CVE program itself.
  *   A change to the Board Charter is necessary to clarify the need for votes 
on document changes. Whether it be a snap vote or a two-week vote. There are 
levels to rules and bylaws and if you are going to change an aspect of these 
documents you need to go to the appropriate level of authority for [each 
  *   Members suggested a review of the Board Charter.
CISA Vulnrichment ADP Governance

  *   CISA “Vulnrichment” ADP is focusing on the governance process for the 
deployment into production.
  *   CISA is ready to deploy their ADP and would like to better understand the 
process for moving into production.
     *   The CVE Program needs to figure out how an entity becomes an ADP and 
what that process looks like.
     *   Board member commented that the process may look a lot like how an 
entity becomes a CNA—and further, only CNAs should become ADPs, at least in the 
     *   Board comments:
        *   This criterion is being discussed in SPWG. There will be a vote for 
every ADP that comes in. The criteria are currently being worked on and we have 
just finished the rules, so we want to bring consensus here from a governance 
perspective before we enable any long-term programs.
        *   I don’t think we should be voting on each ADP. The CVE Board is a 
governance body and shouldn’t be focused on tactical operational execution.
        *   Let’s get these two successful out there working and then let's 
discuss how we're going to address the long-term ADP capabilities in the 
program itself.
        *   There are probably two big decisions for the Board: 1) Expanding 
ADP pilot so more data will go into the existing pilot period of testing 
because testing reveals things; 2) A decision (in a couple of weeks) to approve 
the Secretariat ADP as the reference ADP, and effectively put it into 
        *   Board members want to see the plan process and rules for this 
proposal and to be able to vote on this topic before going from a pilot phase 
to a production phase.
        *   We have security reviews, but as far as a full blown community 
penetration testing, that hasn't happened since we deployed 5.0.

·        No objections were raised to the expanded scope for CISA ADP pilot 
(CISA's enrichment of public CVE records through CISA's ADP)
Open Discussion
Review of Action Items
Next CVE Board Meetings

·       Wednesday, May 29, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EDT)

·       Wednesday, June 12, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EDT)

·       Wednesday, June 26, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EDT)

·       Wednesday, July 10, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EDT)

·       Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 9:00am – 11:00am (EDT)

·       Wednesday, August 7, 2024, 2:00pm – 4:00pm (EDT)
Discussion Topics for Future Meetings

·       End user working group write-up discussion

·       Board discussions and voting process

·       ADP discussion

·       Sneak peek/review of annual report template SPWG is working on

·       Bulk download response from community about Reserved IDs

·       CVE Services updates and website transition progress (as needed)

·       Working Group updates (every other meeting)

·       Council of Roots update (every other meeting)

·       Researcher Working Group proposal for Board review

·       Vision Paper and Annual Report

·       Secretariat review of all CNA scope statements

·       Proposed vote to allow CNAs to assign for insecure default 

·       CVE Communications Strategy

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