On Sat, 2005-Nov-12 22:03:08 +0100, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>A better alternative would be to obfuscate the address, e.g. replacing
>the "@" with an "at" or with a space or an ampersand or a percent sign
>or whatever (even randomizing the replacement would be possible). And
>replacing dots with something else.

IMHO, this is the best solution offered so far.  The only downside is
that since it is an automated scheme, if someone considers FreeBSD
addresses sufficiently valuable, they would spend the effort in
reversing the obfuscation.  Randomisation would help here.

Another possibility would be to push the effort back onto the
submitter:  Add a new field in the submission form to contain the
e-mail address as the submitter wants it to be reported.  If the
submitter leaves it blank it either defaults to the real address or
anonymous (the Project needs to decide).  query-pr could report both
addresses, with the real address displayed as a CAPTCHA (so the
committer can see that the requested address looks sensible).

As a general comment on this thread, the web interface to submit a PR
already explicitly states that the e-mail address will be published.
Maybe we just need to patch send-pr.sh and sendpr.1 to state this as

Peter Jeremy
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