On 2009-Jan-14 17:36:21 +0100, Kirill Ponomarew <kr...@voodoo.bawue.com> wrote:
>On Wed, Jan 14, 2009 at 11:43:28AM -0500, Philip M. Gollucci wrote:
>> > Could you elaborate on this topic and explain the reason for separate port?
>> Not everyone is going to update immediately. Also loads of the p5- ports 
>> will 
>> have issues or be incompatible.
>You could run pointyhat for the issues with incompatibility.

Not necessarily.  Incompatibilities are more likely to show up at
runtime than compile time.  Unless the p5- port implements self
tests and/or correct version tests, it's likely that incompatibilites
will be missed.  There's also the issue of user's perl code - which
we can't test.  (Given the incomatibilities between perl 5.6 and 5.8,
this may even be justification for leaving a perl5.6 port in the tree
until bitrot sets in, rather than yanking it once perl 5.10 becomes
reasonably stable).

>> ITs going to be dual lifed like perl 5.6

I think this is an excellent idea.  Note that we have multiple jdk's
and gcc's in ports.  There's no reason why we can't also have
several perl's.

>> lang/perl5
>> lang/perl5.8
>> lang/perl5.10

I'm less keen on having a perl5 port that is (effectively) obsolete.
Any lang/perl or lang/perl5 port should be the latest stable release.
(Java fell into that hole and a significant number of people were
caught trying to install java 1.1 when they actually wanted java 1.4
or java 1.5).

Peter Jeremy
Please excuse any delays as the result of my ISP's inability to implement
an MTA that is either RFC2821-compliant or matches their claimed behaviour.

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