On Mon, Mar 13, 2006 at 04:20:17PM +0100, Rudolf Cejka wrote:
> Ceri Davies wrote (2006/03/11):
> > On Sat, Mar 11, 2006 at 03:03:37PM +0000, Remko Lodder wrote:
> > >   Use &base; in the where.sgml file like other files also use.
> > While I am not wildly opposed to this, I don't really see what this
> > gains us, other than to make the rendered page (at least) 102 bytes
> > larger (&base; being equivalent to "./" most of the time).
> Personally, it helps me to maintain my partial Czech web translation,
> because I'm better warned about links, which I should check twice (and
> it helps me to better find them). This last commit helped me to find
> two bugs.

Good enough for me then.

> Btw, did you read my mail from 20 Feb 2006? Maybe it would be
> interesting to the others too:

I'm sorry, I haven't.  FreeBSD is not getting much of my time the last
few weeks - there isn't much to go around!

> Date: Mon, 20 Feb 2006 12:51:18 +0100
> From: Rudolf Cejka <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: Ceri Davies <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> Subject: Re: where.sgml 1.78: beta.testing => beta2.testing?
> On Fri, Feb 17, 2006 at 05:57:55PM +0000, Ceri Davies wrote:
> > Spot on, thanks for pointing this out.
> Hello, thanks for fixing %beta2.testing in where.sgml.
> I'm sorry to trouble you, but I have 3 new things:
> 1) What about the following patch? ;o)
> --- where.sgml.orig   Mon Feb 20 12:14:11 2006
> +++ where.sgml        Mon Feb 20 12:14:58 2006
> @@ -169,7 +169,7 @@
>    <![ %beta.testing; [
>      <a name="helptest"></a>
> -    <h2>Help With The Next FreeBSD Release</h2>
> +    <h2>Help With The Next FreeBSD Release<![%beta2.testing; [s]]></h2>
>      <p>Our developers and release engineers are working on the
>        the next release<![%beta2.testing; [s]]> of FreeBSD; if you wish to 
> help with testing,

Good catch.  I committed this.

> ---
> 2) Maybe just to know for you - these constructions can make big trouble
> in some translations. For example, in Czech I had to extend simple
>     "if (cond) then (text)"
> to more problematic
>     "if (cond) then (text1) else (text2)"
> in SGML. Fortunately it is possible to solve it by adding
>     <!-- Negation of beta2.testing -->
>     <![%beta2.testing; [<!ENTITY % beta2.nontesting "IGNORE">]]>
>     <!ENTITY % beta2.nontesting "INCLUDE">
> in www/<lang>/includes.sgml at the end of the file just after
> %includes.global; and then use
>     <![%beta2.testing; [text1]]><![%beta2.nontesting; [text2]]>.

That looks like a good work around.  I'm afraid that I am one of those
British people who only know about 1.01 languages, and in my case that
1.01 is comprised of 4 (English, Welsh, French, German), only one of
which I consider myself even vaguely competent in.

> 3) Recently I have found yet another problem: Your commit
> www/share/sgml/includes.navdownload.sgml 1.3, which added
>     <!ENTITY % relincludes SYSTEM "includes.release.sgml"> %relincludes;
> into includes.navdownload.sgml file, has bad impact, that it is not
> possible to change definitions from includes.release.sgml in translations
> in a standard way anymore, which is to change www/<lang>/includes.sgml.
> Do you have any idea, how to solve this? I did not find anything good yet.

Does it work if that declaration moves to the English includes.sgml (if
there is one)?  Failing that, is is possible to declare an ENTITY within
a marked section?  If so, we could use a similar approach in the
includes as /usr/include does perhaps?

That must be wonderful!  I don't understand it at all.
                                                  -- Moliere

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