On 08.06.2011 5:53, Alexey Dokuchaev wrote:
> On Tue, Jun 07, 2011 at 01:30:01PM +0000, Sergey Skvortsov wrote:
>> skv         2011-06-07 13:30:01 UTC
>>   Modified files:
>>     devel                Makefile 
>>     devel/bugzilla       Makefile distinfo pkg-plist 
>>     devel/bugzilla3      Makefile distinfo 
>>     russian              Makefile 
>>     russian/bugzilla-ru  Makefile distinfo pkg-plist 
>>     russian/bugzilla3-ru Makefile distinfo 
> `russian/bugzilla-ru' and `russian/bugzilla3-ru' should be renamed to
> just `russian/bugzilla' and `russian/bugzilla'.  Seriously, what people
> are thinking when adding foobar-<lng> to <language> category?  Doing
> make -V PKGNAME in such ports should convince those who still do not
> understand what is the problem with carelessly chosen port names.

1. 'bugzilla-ru' reflects project name on Source Forge.

2. It is standard way for naming localization packages in Bugzilla project.

Sergey Skvortsov
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