On 5/13/2012 5:37 PM, poyop...@puripuri.plala.or.jp wrote:
> At Sun, 13 May 2012 16:44:41 -0700,
> Doug Barton wrote:
>>> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?func=detail&aid=3487012&group_id=303195&atid=1278158
>>> I don't so fascinated to spend my time for this kind of linux person.
>> Linux isn't the enemy, and it's a FreeBSD tradition that we communicate
>> bug fixes upstream.
> I don't mind when you do it after you read the link above, Doug.

I didn't volunteer to maintain that port. If you're not interested in
maintaining it properly, that's fine. Either someone else will step
forward, or the port can safely be eliminated.



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