On Sun, 28 May 2006, M. Warner Losh wrote:

: > : Since we have no API docs, everyone has to have a look at the kernel on
: > : his own. This only provides a little bit of help here.
: >
: > We have api docs.  Please don't say that we have none.  There's a
: > bunch of documentation in the man9 section of the man page.  Sure, it
: > is incomplete, misleading and obsolete in places, but it is
: > documentation.
: Sorry... there are docs which document the API, I agree. But we don't
: really have well known API documentation (as in high level overview,
: what fits together how, and such). You have to know what you want to
: do, then you can make use of plenty of docs. But if you don't know what
: you are searching, it's not easy (maybe more easy as in linux, I don't
: know, but not as easy as it could be).

Again, between the handbook and the man pages we have this. It needs a lot of work, but we do have it. It shows what to do at a very rudamentary level, but you can find what you want.

I'm not sure you'll ever find the high level overview in the sources. There's rarely a good place for it, and it changes with time.

Historically, the BSD Book, and now the FreeBSD Book have served this role.

Robert N M Watson
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