On 11/18/06, Martin Wilke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hash: SHA1

On Sat, 18 Nov 2006 15:40:13 +0000 (UTC)
Andrew Pantyukhin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> sat         2006-11-18 15:40:13 UTC
>   FreeBSD ports repository
>   Modified files:
>     net/p5-Net-Packet    Makefile distinfo pkg-plist
>   Log:
>   - Update to 3.22

Have you asked the maintainer for approval?

Not quite, but we've been working for some time
with Patrice and basically he's okay about me
breaking his ports (I also maintain some of his
CPAN modules).

I often make commits without explicit approvals,
sometimes by mistake (like the recent one to
fluxbox-devel), but mostly when I'm sure that
maintainers expect me to do that. The reason I
omit the implicit approval tag sometimes is (1)
I'm lazy and (2) that seems like just an extra
bit of noise. I actually have a lengthier
explanation on my mind, but again (1) I'm lazy
to type it all here and (2) we need to move to
another list to discuss it.

Sorry for the confusion and thanks to your sharp
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