On 2006.12.04 15:41:08 +0000, Robert Watson wrote:

> (1) The link between the FreeBSD Project and the FreeBSD Foundation.  There 
> are really two goals here: to reinforce the relationship between the 
> project and the foundation in the eyes of the reader (up with "Community", 
> "Developers", etc), and to bring more traffic to the Foundation web site 
> through primve placement.  For example, in the Old World Order, it was 
> actually quite difficult to find out about the Foundation and evaluate its 
> legitimacy by visiting the FreeBSD.org web site.  A major sponsor might 
> easily look at the page and say "Foundation?  Is it even related to the 
> Project?", which is undesirable.  While the immediate goal is to raise 
> funds, the Foundation is about more than just fundraising, it's also about 
> sponsoring activities, and drawing the visitor to the more general 
> Foundation pages (and not just the donations page) is important.

First, I bitched some on IRC about the change, but on further thought
(a 20min trainride with nothing else to do helps to clear things up
:-) ), I actually think the new location for the Foundation link is
fine.  Especially with the goal stated above in mind it seems like a
good idea to make the link more prominent.

We have to be careful not to overload the front page, but of course
it's a balance act.

>   - Visually, despite being placed in nice spot on the page, the Donate
>     link is essentially lost.  A clearly placed "Donate now!" link on the
>     FreeBSD.org front page probably makes more sense -- I'm not sure it
>     would best fit visually and am happy to leave that to someone else.

Indeed, it actually took me some seconds to find now when I had to
look for it.

> (3) The news item on the fundraising drive -- I see this as no different 
> than any other news item, with the intention being to highlight on-going 
> stuff. The link here is directly to the current fundraising page, and the 
> fundraising drive is definitely "News", in as much as a current release is 
> news, a new developer is news, etc, and has to do with directing web 
> sitereaders to something particularly new or interesting.
> (4) The trademark acknowledgement.  The text itself is required as part of 
> protecting the trademark whether or not the Foundation name is a link.  
> Given that the screen real estate is used whether or not it's a link, 
> making it a link probably does make sense.

I agree with these two.  Also, I doubt very many people even see the
trademark notice on a normal visit to the page, which is at it should
be, but it's still obvious for people who looks for it.

Simon L. Nielsen
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