Author: coke
Date: Tue Jan  3 13:31:23 2006
New Revision: 10875

#38138: [TODO] - Tcl - implement [file]

add first pass for [file]'s type, mtime, atime, and stat

Modified: trunk/languages/tcl/lib/commands/file.pir
--- trunk/languages/tcl/lib/commands/file.pir   (original)
+++ trunk/languages/tcl/lib/commands/file.pir   Tue Jan  3 13:31:23 2006
@@ -32,6 +32,112 @@ few_args:
 .namespace [ "_Tcl\0builtins\0file" ]
+.sub 'stat' 
+  .param pmc argv
+  .local int argc
+  argc = argv
+  if argc != 2 goto bad_args
+  .local string file,varname
+  file = shift argv
+  varname = shift argv 
+  $P1 = new .OS
+  push_eh no_file
+    $P2 = $P1.'stat'(file)
+  clear_eh
+  .local pmc __set
+  __set = find_global "_Tcl", "__set" 
+  $P3 = new .TclArray
+  $P1 = $P2[8]
+  $P3['atime'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[10]
+  $P3['ctime'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[0]
+  $P3['dev'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[5]
+  $P3['gid'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[1]
+  $P3['ino'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[2]
+  $P3['mode'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[9]
+  $P3['mtime'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[3]
+  $P3['nlink'] = $P1
+  $P1 = $P2[7]
+  $P3['size'] = $P1
+  $I1 = $P2[2]
+  $I2 = 0o170000   #S_IFMT
+  $I3 = $I1 & $I2
+  $P4 = find_global "_Tcl", "filetypes"  
+  $S1 = $P4[$I3]
+  $P3['type'] = $S1
+  $P1 = $P2[4]
+  $P3['uid'] = $P1
+  __set(varname, $P3)
+  .return('')
+# XXX should be more discriminating about the error messages .OS generates
+  $S0  = 'could not read "'
+  $S0 .= file
+  $S0 .= '": no such file or directory'
+  .throw($S0)
+  .throw('wrong # args: should be "file state name varName"')
+### The stat-based functions: listed in order by key into the stat struct
+.sub 'type'
+  .param pmc argv
+  .local int argc
+  argc = argv
+  if argc != 1 goto bad_args
+  .local string file
+  file = shift argv
+  $P1 = new .OS
+  push_eh no_file
+    $P2 = $P1.'stat'(file)
+  clear_eh
+  $I1 = $P2[2]
+  $I2 = 0o170000   #S_IFMT
+  $I3 = $I1 & $I2
+  $P4 = find_global "_Tcl", "filetypes"  
+  $S1 = $P4[$I3]
+  .return ($S1)
+# XXX should be more discriminating about the error messages .OS generates
+  $S0  = 'could not read "'
+  $S0 .= file
+  $S0 .= '": no such file or directory'
+  .throw($S0)
+  .throw('wrong # args: should be "file type name"')
 .sub 'size'
   .param pmc argv
@@ -60,3 +166,59 @@ bad_args:
   .throw('wrong # args: should be "file size name"')
+.sub 'atime'
+  .param pmc argv
+  .local int argc
+  argc = argv
+  if argc != 1 goto bad_args
+  .local string file
+  file = shift argv
+  $P1 = new .OS
+  push_eh no_file
+    $P2 = $P1.'stat'(file)
+  clear_eh
+  $I1 = $P2[8]
+  .return ($I1)
+# XXX should be more discriminating about the error messages .OS generates
+  $S0  = 'could not read "'
+  $S0 .= file
+  $S0 .= '": no such file or directory'
+  .throw($S0)
+  .throw('wrong # args: should be "file atime name"')
+.sub 'mtime'
+  .param pmc argv
+  .local int argc
+  argc = argv
+  if argc != 1 goto bad_args
+  .local string file
+  file = shift argv
+  $P1 = new .OS
+  push_eh no_file
+    $P2 = $P1.'stat'(file)
+  clear_eh
+  $I1 = $P2[9]
+  .return ($I1)
+# XXX should be more discriminating about the error messages .OS generates
+  $S0  = 'could not read "'
+  $S0 .= file
+  $S0 .= '": no such file or directory'
+  .throw($S0)
+  .throw('wrong # args: should be "file mtime name"')

Modified: trunk/languages/tcl/tcl.pir_template
--- trunk/languages/tcl/tcl.pir_template        (original)
+++ trunk/languages/tcl/tcl.pir_template        Tue Jan  3 13:31:23 2006
@@ -91,7 +91,21 @@ providing a compreg-compatible method.
   load_bytecode "Getopt/Long.pir"
+  # keep track of names of file types.
+  .local pmc filetypes
+  filetypes = new .TclArray
+  filetypes[0o060000] = 'blockSpecial'
+  filetypes[0o020000] = 'characterSpecial'
+  filetypes[0o040000] = 'directory'
+  filetypes[0o010000] = 'file'
+  filetypes[0o100000] = 'fifo'
+  filetypes[0o120000] = 'link'
+  filetypes[0o140000] = 'socket'
+   store_global '_Tcl', 'filetypes', filetypes
   .local pmc operators
   .local pmc math_funcs
   .local pmc precedence

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