Author: coke
Date: Sun Jan 29 11:21:01 2006
New Revision: 11374

tcl - add global list of eventually-supported binary formats

Modified: trunk/languages/tcl/tcl.pir_template
--- trunk/languages/tcl/tcl.pir_template        (original)
+++ trunk/languages/tcl/tcl.pir_template        Sun Jan 29 11:21:01 2006
@@ -125,6 +125,29 @@ env_loop_done:
    store_global '_Tcl', 'filetypes', filetypes
+   .local pmc binary_types
+   binary_types = new .TclArray
+   binary_types['a'] = 1
+   binary_types['A'] = 1
+   binary_types['b'] = 1
+   binary_types['B'] = 1
+   binary_types['h'] = 1
+   binary_types['H'] = 1
+   binary_types['c'] = 1
+   binary_types['s'] = 1
+   binary_types['S'] = 1
+   binary_types['i'] = 1
+   binary_types['I'] = 1
+   binary_types['w'] = 1
+   binary_types['W'] = 1
+   binary_types['f'] = 1
+   binary_types['d'] = 1
+   binary_types['x'] = 1
+   binary_types['X'] = 1
+   binary_types['@'] = 1
+   store_global '_Tcl', 'binary_types', binary_types
   .local pmc operators
   .local pmc math_funcs
   .local pmc precedence

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