Author: jkeenan
Date: Mon Feb 19 06:19:37 2007
New Revision: 17054


Minor corrections in 04-print_c_source_top.t and 06-dynamic.t.  Created
08-nolines.t and 09-dynamic_nolines.t to test what happens when no-lines
option is passed to tools/build/

Modified: branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/04-print_c_source_top.t
--- branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/04-print_c_source_top.t      
+++ branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/04-print_c_source_top.t      Mon Feb 
19 06:19:37 2007
@@ -73,23 +73,6 @@
 pass("Completed all tests in $0");
-sub test_single_trans_and_header {
-    my $trans = shift;
-    my %available = map {$_, 1} qw( C CGoto CGP CSwitch CPrederef );
-    croak "Bad argument $trans to test_single_trans()"
-        unless $available{$trans};
-    my $self = Parrot::Ops2c::Utils->new( {
-            argv            => [ $trans ],
-            flag            => { core => 1 },
-        } );
-    ok(defined $self, 
-        "Constructor correct when provided with single argument $trans");
-    my $c_header_file = $self->print_c_header_file();
-    ok(-e $c_header_file, "$c_header_file created");
-    ok(-s $c_header_file, "$c_header_file has non-zero size");
 ################### DOCUMENTATION ###################
 =head1 NAME

Modified: branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/06-dynamic.t
--- branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/06-dynamic.t (original)
+++ branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/06-dynamic.t Mon Feb 19 06:19:37 2007
@@ -17,7 +17,7 @@
     unshift @INC, qq{$topdir/lib};
-use Test::More qw(no_plan); # tests =>  64;
+use Test::More tests =>  64;
 use Carp;
 use Cwd;
 use File::Copy;

Added: branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/08-nolines.t
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/08-nolines.t Mon Feb 19 06:19:37 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,112 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (C) 2006, The Perl Foundation.
+# $Id: 08-nolines.t 17036 2007-02-18 04:46:00Z jkeenan $
+# 08-nolines.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+    use FindBin qw($Bin);
+    use Cwd qw(cwd realpath);
+    realpath($Bin) =~ m{^(.*\/parrot)\/[^/]*\/[^/]*\/[^/]*$};
+    our $topdir = $1;
+    if (defined $topdir) {
+        print "\nOK:  Parrot top directory located\n";
+    } else {
+        $topdir = realpath($Bin) . "/../../..";
+    }
+    unshift @INC, qq{$topdir/lib};
+use Test::More tests =>  15;
+use Carp;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Temp (qw| tempdir |);
+use_ok( 'Parrot::Ops2pm::Utils' );
+use lib ("$main::topdir/t/tools/ops2cutils/testlib");
+use_ok( "Capture" );
+use_ok( "GenerateCore", qw| generate_core | );
+my @srcopsfiles = qw( src/ops/core.ops src/ops/bit.ops src/ops/cmp.ops
+src/ops/debug.ops src/ops/experimental.ops src/ops/io.ops src/ops/math.ops
+src/ops/object.ops src/ops/pic.ops src/ops/pmc.ops src/ops/set.ops
+src/ops/stack.ops src/ops/stm.ops src/ops/string.ops src/ops/sys.ops
+src/ops/var.ops );
+my $num = "src/ops/ops.num";
+my $skip = "src/ops/ops.skip";
+ok(chdir $main::topdir, "Positioned at top-level Parrot directory");
+my $cwd = cwd();
+my ($msg, $tie);
+    my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+    ok(chdir $tdir, 'changed to temp directory for testing');
+    my $tlib = generate_core(
+        $cwd, $tdir, [EMAIL PROTECTED], $num, $skip);
+    ok(-d $tlib, "lib directory created under tempdir");
+    unshift @INC, $tlib;
+    require Parrot::Ops2c::Utils;
+    {
+        local @ARGV = qw( C CGoto CGP CSwitch CPrederef );
+        my $self = Parrot::Ops2c::Utils->new( {
+            argv            => [ @ARGV ],
+            flag            => { core => 1, nolines => 1 },
+        } );
+        ok(defined $self, 
+            "Constructor correctly returned when provided >= 1 arguments");
+        my $c_header_file = $self->print_c_header_file();
+        ok(-e $c_header_file, "$c_header_file created");
+        ok(-s $c_header_file, "$c_header_file has non-zero size");
+        my $SOURCE = $self->print_c_source_top();
+        is(ref($SOURCE), q{GLOB}, "Argument type is filehandle (typeglob)");
+        my $c_source_final;
+        ok($c_source_final = $self->print_c_source_bottom($SOURCE),
+            "print_c_source_bottom() returned successfully");
+        ok(-e $c_source_final, "$c_source_final created");
+        ok(-s $c_source_final, "$c_source_final has non-zero size");
+    }
+    ok(chdir($cwd), "returned to starting directory");
+pass("Completed all tests in $0");
+################### DOCUMENTATION ###################
+=head1 NAME
+08-nolines.t - test C<--nolines> option to F<tools/build/>.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    % prove t/tools/ops2cutils/08-nolines.t
+The files in this directory test the publicly callable subroutines of 
+F<lib/Parrot/Ops2c/> and F<lib/Parrot/Ops2c/>.   
+By doing so, they test the functionality of the F<> utility.  
+That functionality has largely been extracted 
+into the methods of F<>.
+F<08-nolines.t> tests whether 
+C<Parrot::Ops2c::Utils::new()> work properly when C<--nolines> option 
+is passed to F<tools/build/>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+James E Keenan
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Parrot::Ops2c::Auxiliary, F<>.

Added: branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/09-dynamic_nolines.t
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/buildtools/t/tools/ops2cutils/09-dynamic_nolines.t Mon Feb 19 
06:19:37 2007
@@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
+#! perl
+# Copyright (C) 2006, The Perl Foundation.
+# $Id: 09-dynamic_nolines.t 17036 2007-02-18 04:46:00Z jkeenan $
+# 09-dynamic_nolines.t
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+    use FindBin qw($Bin);
+    use Cwd qw(cwd realpath);
+    realpath($Bin) =~ m{^(.*\/parrot)\/[^/]*\/[^/]*\/[^/]*$};
+    our $topdir = $1;
+    if (defined $topdir) {
+        print "\nOK:  Parrot top directory located\n";
+    } else {
+        $topdir = realpath($Bin) . "/../../..";
+    }
+    unshift @INC, qq{$topdir/lib};
+use Test::More tests =>  64;
+use Carp;
+use Cwd;
+use File::Copy;
+use File::Temp (qw| tempdir |);
+use_ok( 'Parrot::Ops2pm::Utils' );
+use lib ("$main::topdir/t/tools/ops2cutils/testlib");
+use_ok( "Capture" );
+use_ok( "GenerateCore", qw| generate_core | );
+my @srcopsfiles = qw( src/ops/core.ops src/ops/bit.ops src/ops/cmp.ops
+src/ops/debug.ops src/ops/experimental.ops src/ops/io.ops src/ops/math.ops
+src/ops/object.ops src/ops/pic.ops src/ops/pmc.ops src/ops/set.ops
+src/ops/stack.ops src/ops/stm.ops src/ops/string.ops src/ops/sys.ops
+src/ops/var.ops );
+my $num = "src/ops/ops.num";
+my $skip = "src/ops/ops.skip";
+my @dynopsfiles = qw( src/dynoplibs/dan.ops src/dynoplibs/myops.ops );
+ok(chdir $main::topdir, "Positioned at top-level Parrot directory");
+my $cwd = cwd();
+my ($msg, $tie);
+    my $tdir = tempdir( CLEANUP => 1 );
+    ok(chdir $tdir, 'changed to temp directory for testing');
+    my $tlib = generate_core(
+        $cwd, $tdir, [EMAIL PROTECTED], $num, $skip);
+    ok(-d $tlib, "lib directory created under tempdir");
+    unshift @INC, $tlib;
+    require Parrot::Ops2c::Utils;
+    foreach my $f (@dynopsfiles) {
+        copy (qq{$cwd/$f}, qq{$tdir/$f});
+    }
+    chdir "src/dynoplibs" or croak "Unable to change to src/dynoplibs: $!";
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( CGoto    myops.ops ) ] );
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( CGP      myops.ops ) ] );
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( C        myops.ops ) ] );
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( CSwitch  myops.ops ) ] );
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( CGoto    dan.ops ) ] );
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( CGP      dan.ops ) ] );
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( C        dan.ops ) ] );
+    test_dynops_nolines( [ qw( CSwitch  dan.ops ) ] );
+    ok(chdir($cwd), "returned to starting directory");
+pass("Completed all tests in $0");
+sub test_dynops_nolines {
+    my $local_argv_ref = shift;
+    {
+        my $self = Parrot::Ops2c::Utils->new( {
+            argv            => $local_argv_ref,
+            flag            => { dynamic => 1, nolines => 1 },
+        } );
+        ok(defined $self, 
+            "Constructor correctly returned when provided >= 1 arguments");
+        my $c_header_file = $self->print_c_header_file();
+        ok(-e $c_header_file, "$c_header_file created");
+        ok(-s $c_header_file, "$c_header_file has non-zero size");
+        my $SOURCE = $self->print_c_source_top();
+        is(ref($SOURCE), q{GLOB}, "Argument type is filehandle (typeglob)");
+        my $c_source_final;
+        ok($c_source_final = $self->print_c_source_bottom($SOURCE),
+            "print_c_source_bottom() returned successfully");
+        ok(-e $c_source_final, "$c_source_final created");
+        ok(-s $c_source_final, "$c_source_final has non-zero size");
+    }
+################### DOCUMENTATION ###################
+=head1 NAME
+09-dynamic_nolines.t - test C<--nolines> option to F<tools/build/>.
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    % prove t/tools/ops2cutils/09-dynamic_nolines.t
+The files in this directory test the publicly callable subroutines of 
+F<lib/Parrot/Ops2c/> and F<lib/Parrot/Ops2c/>.   
+By doing so, they test the functionality of the F<> utility.  
+That functionality has largely been extracted 
+into the methods of F<>.
+F<09-dynamic_nolines.t> tests whether 
+C<Parrot::Ops2c::Utils::new()> work properly when the C<--nolines> and
+C<--dynamic> options are passed to F<tools/build/>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+James E Keenan
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+Parrot::Ops2c::Auxiliary, F<>.

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