Author: jkeenan
Date: Wed Jan 23 20:02:30 2008
New Revision: 25183

   branches/smoke/tools/util/mysmoke.cgi   (contents, props changed)

Add tools/util/mysmoke.cgi, which is a first pass at refactoring by pulling subroutines into lib/Parrot/Smoke/  
Very rough -- but at least now I know how to fix

Modified: branches/smoke/lib/Parrot/Smoke/
--- branches/smoke/lib/Parrot/Smoke/   (original)
+++ branches/smoke/lib/Parrot/Smoke/   Wed Jan 23 20:02:30 2008
@@ -10,76 +10,55 @@
 package Parrot::Smoke::Server;
 use strict;
 use warnings;
-use base qw( Exporter );
-use Algorithm::TokenBucket;
 use CGI;
-use CGI::Carp qw<fatalsToBrowser>;
-use Digest::MD5 qw<md5_hex>;
-use Fcntl qw<:DEFAULT :flock>;
+use CGI::Carp qw(fatalsToBrowser);
 use HTML::Template;
-use Storable qw<store_fd fd_retrieve freeze>;
 use Time::Piece;
 use Time::Seconds;
-our @EXPORT    = ();
-our @EXPORT_OK = qw(
-    require_compression_modules
-    process_upload
-    process_list
-our %EXPORT_TAGS = ();
-#    BASEHTTPDIR                 => "/",  used both in script and subs
-use constant {
-    VERSION                     => 0.4,
-    BASEHTTPDIR                 => "/",
-    BUCKET                      => "bucket.dat",
-    MAX_RATE                    => 1 / 30,                  # Allow a new 
smoke all 30s
-    BURST                       => 5,                       # Set max burst to 
-sub require_compression_modules {
-    no strict 'refs';
-    eval { require Compress::Zlib }
-        or *Compress::Zlib::memGunzip = sub { return };
-    eval { require Compress::Bzip2 }
-        or *Compress::Bzip2::memBunzip = sub { return };
-sub process_upload {
-    my $CGI = shift;
+# use Data::Dumper;
-    print $CGI->header;
-    limit_rate();
-    validate_params($CGI);
-    add_smoke($CGI);
-    clean_obsolete_smokes();
-    print "ok";
+sub new {
+    my $class = shift;
+    my $servconfigref = shift;
+    my %data = %{ $servconfigref };
+    # disable file uploads; module default was 0 (mouse, p 87)
+    # limit size of a POSTing; module default was -1 (mouse, p 87)
+    $CGI::POST_MAX = $data{POST_MAX};  # 100 KB
+    # output an HTTP header only once per CGI object (mouse, p 117)
+    $CGI::POST_MAX = $data{MAX_SIZE};
+    chdir $data{BASEDIR} or die "Couldn't chdir into $data{BASEDIR}: $!";
+    $SIG{PIPE} = "IGNORE";
+    $data{q} = new CGI;
+    return  bless \%data, $class;
+sub print_header {
+    my $self = shift;
+    print $self->{q}->header( -type => "text/html" );
 sub process_list {
-    my $CGI = shift;
+    my $self = shift;
     my $t = shift;
     my $tmpl = HTML::Template->new( scalarref => \$t, die_on_bad_params => 0 );
-    print $CGI->header;
     my $category = sub {
         return sprintf "%s / %s runcore on %s-%s-%s",
             $_[0]->{DEVEL} eq "devel" ? "repository snapshot" : "release",
             runcore2human( $_[0]->{runcore} ), $_[0]->{cpuarch}, 
$_[0]->{osname}, $_[0]->{cc},;
-    my @smokes = map { unpack_smoke($_) } glob "parrot-smoke-*.html";
+    my @smokes = map { $self->unpack_smoke($_) } glob "parrot-smoke-*.html";
     my %branches;
     push @{ $branches{ $_->{branch} }{ $category->($_) } }, $_ for @smokes;
@@ -110,236 +89,80 @@
                 keys %branches
-    print $tmpl->output;
-# Rate limiting
-sub limit_rate {
-    # Open the DB and lock it exclusively. See perldoc -q lock.
-    sysopen my $fh, BUCKET, O_RDWR | O_CREAT
-        or die "Couldn't open \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";
-    flock $fh, LOCK_EX
-        or die "Couldn't flock \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";
-    my $data = eval { fd_retrieve $fh };
-    $data ||= [ MAX_RATE, BURST ];
-    my $bucket = Algorithm::TokenBucket->new(@$data);
-    my $exit;
-    unless ( $bucket->conform(1) ) {
-        print "Rate limiting -- please wait a bit and try again, thanks.";
-        $exit++;
-    }
-    $bucket->count(1);
-    seek $fh, 0, 0 or die "Couldn't rewind \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";
-    truncate $fh, 0 or die "Couldn't truncate \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";
-    store_fd [ $bucket->state ] => $fh
-        or die "Couldn't serialize bucket to \"@{[ BUCKET ]}\": $!\n";
-    exit if $exit;
-sub validate_params {
-    my $CGI = shift;
-    if ( not $CGI->param("version") or $CGI->param("version") != VERSION ) {
-        print "Versions do not match!";
-        exit;
-    }
-    if ( not $CGI->param("smoke") ) {
-        print "No smoke given!";
-        exit;
-    }
-    uncompress_smoke($CGI);
-    unless ( $CGI->param("smoke") =~ /^<!DOCTYPE html/ ) {
-        print "The submitted smoke does not look like a smoke!";
-        exit;
-    }
-sub uncompress_smoke {
-    my $CGI = shift;
-    $CGI->param( "smoke",
-        Compress::Zlib::memGunzip( $CGI->param("smoke") )
-            || Compress::Bzip2::memBunzip( $CGI->param("smoke") )
-            || $CGI->param("smoke") );
-sub add_smoke {
-    my $CGI  = shift;
-    my $html = $CGI->param("smoke");
-    my $id = md5_hex $html;
-    if ( glob "parrot-smoke-*-$id.html" ) {
-        print "The submitted smoke was already submitted!";
-        exit;
-    }
-    my %smoke;
-    $html =~ /revision: (\d+)/      and $smoke{revision}     = $1;
-    $html =~ /duration: (\d+)/      and $smoke{duration}     = $1;
-    $html =~ /VERSION: ([\d\.]+)/   and $smoke{VERSION}      = $1;
-    $html =~ /branch: ([\w\-]+)/    and $smoke{branch}       = $1;
-    $html =~ /cpuarch: ([\w\d]+)/   and $smoke{cpuarch}      = $1;
-    $html =~ /osname: ([\w\d]+)/    and $smoke{osname}       = $1;
-    $html =~ /cc: ([\w\d]+)/        and $smoke{cc}           = $1;
-    $html =~ /DEVEL: -?(\w+)/       and $smoke{DEVEL}        = $1;
-    $html =~ /harness_args: (.+)$/m and $smoke{harness_args} = $1;
-    $html =~ /build_dir: (.+)$/m    and $smoke{build_dir}    = $1;
-    $html =~
-/summary="(\d+) test cases: (\d+) ok, (\d+) failed, (\d+) todo, (\d+) skipped 
and (\d+) unexpectedly succeeded"/
-        and $smoke{summary} = {
-        total    => $1,
-        ok       => $2,
-        failed   => $3,
-        todo     => $4,
-        skipped  => $5,
-        unexpect => $6,
-        };
-    if ( grep { not $smoke{$_} } qw<harness_args revision> ) {
-        print "The submitted smoke has an invalid format!";
-        exit;
-    }
-    $smoke{runcore} = runcore_from_args( $smoke{harness_args} );
-    $smoke{revision} ||= 0;
-    $smoke{timestamp} = time;
-    $smoke{id}        = $id;
-    my $filename = pack_smoke(%smoke);
-    open my $fh, ">", $filename
-        or die "Couldn't open \"$filename\" for writing: $!\n";
-    print $fh $html
-        or die "Couldn't write to \"$filename\": $!\n";
-    close $fh
-        or die "Couldn't close \"$filename\": $!\n";
-sub runcore_from_args {
-    local $_ = shift;
-    /\b-g\b/ and return "goto";
-    /\b-j\b/ and return "jit";
-    /\b-C\b/ and return "cgp";
-    /\b-S\b/ and return "switch";
-    /\b-f\b/ and return "fast";
-    return "default";
-sub pack_smoke {
-    my %smoke = @_;
-    my $summary = join( "-", map { $smoke{summary}{$_} }
-        qw<total ok failed todo skipped unexpect> );
-    my $args = unpack( "H*", $smoke{harness_args} );
-#                           1       2          3        4         5        6   
      7      8           9        10          ...
-    my $str =
-    $str =~ s/<(.+?)>/$smoke{$1}/g;
-    $str;
-sub clean_obsolete_smokes {
-    my $category = sub {
-        return join "-", ( map { $_[0]->{$_} }
-            qw<branch cpuarch osname cc runcore harness_args> ),
-            $_[0]->{DEVEL} eq "devel" ? "dev" : "release",;
-    };
-    my %cats;
-    my @smokes = map { unpack_smoke($_) } glob "parrot-smoke-*.html";
-    push @{ $cats{ $category->($_) } }, $_ for @smokes;
-    $cats{$_} = [
-        (
-            sort { $b->{revision} <=> $a->{revision} || $b->{timestamp}[0] <=> 
$a->{timestamp}[0] }
-                @{ $cats{$_} }
-        )[ 0 .. MAX_SMOKES_OF_SAME_CATEGORY- 1 ]
-        ]
-        for keys %cats;
-    my %delete = map { $_->{filename} => 1 } @smokes;
-    for ( map { @$_ } values %cats ) {
-        next unless $_;
-        delete $delete{ $_->{filename} };
-    }
-    unlink keys %delete;
+    print $tmpl->output;
 sub unpack_smoke {
+    my $self = shift;
     my $name = shift;
-    /^parrot-smoke-([\d\.]+)    #  1 VERSION
-                -(\w+)          #  2 DEVEL
-                -r(\d+)         #  3 revision
-                -([\w\-]+)      #  4 branch
-               --([\w\d]+)      #  5 cpuarch
-                -([\w\d]+)      #  6 osname
-                -([\w\d]+)      #  7 cc
-                -(\w+)          #  8 runcore
-               --(\d+)          #  9 timestamp
-                -(\d+)          # 10 duration
-               --(\d+)          # 11 total
-                -(\d+)          # 12 ok
-                -(\d+)          # 13 failed
-                -(\d+)          # 14 todo
-                -(\d+)          # 15 skipped
-                -(\d+)          # 16 unexpected
-               --([a-f0-9]+)    # 17 harness_args
-               --([a-f0-9]+)    # 18 id
-   .html$/x
-        and return {
-        VERSION   => $1,
-        DEVEL     => $2,
-        revision  => $3,
-        branch    => $4,
-        cpuarch   => $5,
-        osname    => $6,
-        cc        => $7,
-        runcore   => $8,
-        timestamp => [
-            $9,
+    my $unpackref = {};
+    if ($name =~ /
+        ^parrot-smoke-([\d\.]+)    #  1 VERSION
+        -(\w+)          #  2 DEVEL
+        -r(\d+)         #  3 revision
+        -([\w\-]+)      #  4 branch
+       --([\w\d]+)      #  5 cpuarch
+        -([\w\d]+)      #  6 osname
+        -([\w\d]+)      #  7 cc
+        -(\w+)          #  8 runcore
+       --(\d+)          #  9 timestamp
+        -(\d+)          # 10 duration
+       --(\d+)          # 11 total
+        -(\d+)          # 12 ok
+        -(\d+)          # 13 failed
+        -(\d+)          # 14 todo
+        -(\d+)          # 15 skipped
+        -(\d+)          # 16 unexpected
+       --([a-f0-9]+)    # 17 harness_args
+       --([a-f0-9]+)    # 18 id
+    .html$/x) {
+        $unpackref = {
+            VERSION   => $1,
+            DEVEL     => $2,
+            revision  => $3,
+            branch    => $4,
+            cpuarch   => $5,
+            osname    => $6,
+            cc        => $7,
+            runcore   => $8,
+        };
+        my ($timestamp, $duration, $total, $ok, $failed, $todo, $skipped,
+            $unexpected, $harness_args, $id) =
+                ($9, $10, $11, $12, $13, $14, $15, $16, $17, $18);
+        $unpackref->{timestamp} = [
+            $timestamp,
             do {
-                my $str = localtime($9)->strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M %a");
+                my $str = gmtime($timestamp)->strftime("%d %b %Y %H:%M %a");
                 $str =~ s/ /&nbsp;/g;
                 # hack, to make the timestamps not break so the 
                 # smoke reports look good even on 640x480
-        ],
-        duration => sprintf( "%.02f",
-            Time::Seconds->new($10)->minutes ) . "&nbsp;min",
-        summary => [
-            {
-                total    => $11,
-                ok       => $12,
-                failed   => $13,
-                todo     => $14,
-                skipped  => $15,
-                unexpect => $16,
-            }
-        ],
-        percentage   => sprintf( "%.02f", $12 / ( $11 || 1 ) * 100 ),
-        harness_args => pack( "H*", $17 ),
-        id           => $18,
-        filename     => $name,
-        link         => BASEHTTPDIR . $name,
-        };
-    return ();
+        ];
+        $unpackref->{duration} = sprintf( "%.02f",
+                Time::Seconds->new($duration)->minutes ) . "&nbsp;min";
+        $unpackref->{summary} = [ {
+            total    => $total,
+            ok       => $ok,
+            failed   => $failed,
+            todo     => $todo,
+            skipped  => $skipped,
+            unexpect => $unexpected,
+        } ];  # Why a hashref as sole element inside array is not clear, but
+        # we get a fatal HTML::Template error otherwise.
+        $unpackref->{percentage} =
+            sprintf( "%.02f", $ok / ( $total || 1 ) * 100 );
+        $unpackref->{harness_args} = pack( "H*", $harness_args );
+        $unpackref->{id}          = $id;
+        $unpackref->{filename}    = $name;
+        $unpackref->{link}        = $self->{BASEHTTPDIR} . $name;
+        return $unpackref;
+    } else {
+        return ();
+    }
 sub runcore2human {
@@ -351,16 +174,8 @@
         fast    => "fast",
         default => "default",
-    $runcore{ $_[0] };
+    return $runcore{ $_[0] };
-# Local Variables:
-#   mode: cperl
-#   cperl-indent-level: 4
-#   fill-column: 100
-# End:
-# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

Added: branches/smoke/tools/util/mysmoke.cgi
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/smoke/tools/util/mysmoke.cgi       Wed Jan 23 20:02:30 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+# $Id: 24998 2008-01-19 15:19:31Z jkeenan $
+use strict;
+use warnings;
+use lib qw( lib );
+use Parrot::Smoke::Server;
+my %servconfig = (
+    VERSION                     => 0.4,
+    MAX_SIZE                    => 2**20 * 3.0,             # MiB limit
+    BASEDIR                     => "/tmp/parrot_smokes/",
+    BASEHTTPDIR                 => "/",
+    BUCKET                      => "bucket.dat",
+    MAX_RATE                    => 1 / 30,                  # Allow a new 
smoke all 30s
+    BURST                       => 5,                       # Set max burst to 
+    DISABLE_UPLOADS             => 1,
+    POST_MAX                    => 102400,
+    HEADERS_ONCE                => 1,
+my $serv = Parrot::Smoke::Server->new( \%servconfig );
+my $t = do { local $/; <DATA> };
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD XHTML 1.1//EN"
+  "";>
+<html xmlns=""; xml:lang="en">
+  <title>Parrot Smoke Reports</title>
+  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />
+  <style type="text/css">
+    body {
+      background-color: white;
+      margin:           0;
+      font-family: sans-serif;
+      line-height: 1.3em;
+      font-size:   95%;
+    }
+    h1, h2 {
+      background-color: #313052;
+      color:            white;
+      padding:          10px;
+    }
+    th       { text-align: left; }
+    .indent0 { padding-top:  30px; border-bottom: 2px solid #313052; }
+    .indent1 { padding-top:  10px; border-bottom: 1px solid #313052; }
+    .indent2 { padding-left: 40px; }
+    .indent3 { padding-left: 80px; padding-bottom: 10px; }
+    p, dl, pre, table { margin:      15px; }
+    dt    { font-weight: bold; }
+    dd+dt { margin-top:  1em;  }
+    .leftsep  { padding-left: 10px;  }
+    .num      { text-align:   right; }
+    .details  { display: none; }
+    .expander { color: blue; cursor: pointer; }  /* hack? */
+    .tests_ok       { color: #050; }
+    .tests_failed   { color: #500; }
+    .tests_todo     { color: #030; }
+    .tests_skipped  { color: #555; }
+    .tests_unexpect { color: #550; }
+  </style>
+  <script type="text/javascript">//<![CDATA[[
+    function toggle_visibility (id) {
+      var elem     = document.getElementById("details_"  + id),
+          expander = document.getElementById("expander_" + id);
+      if(elem.className == "details") {
+        elem.className = "";  /* hack? */
+        expander.innerHTML = "&laquo;";
+      } else {
+        elem.className = "details";
+        expander.innerHTML = "&raquo;";
+      }
+    }
+  //]]></script>
+  <h1>Parrot Smoke Reports</h1>
+  <p>
+    Here's a list of recently submitted <a
+    href="";>Parrot</a> smoke reports. These smokes 
+    automatically generated and show how various runcores are functioning 
+    a variety of platforms. Individual languages targetting parrot (e.g. tcl),
+    are also available.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    Submitting your own smoke is easy,
+  </p>
+  <pre class="indent2">$ make smoke
+  <p>
+    should suffice. To test the languages that are shipped with parrot, change
+    to the languages directory and issue the same command.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    Note that old smoke reports are automatically deleted, so you may not want
+    to link directly to a smoke.
+  </p>
+  <p>
+    Note: Timezone is UTC.<br />
+  </p>
+  <table>
+    <tmpl_loop name=branches>
+      <tr><th colspan="11" class="indent0"><tmpl_var name=name></th></tr>
+      <tmpl_loop name=categories>
+        <tr><th colspan="12" class="indent1"><tmpl_var name=catname></th></tr>
+        <tmpl_loop name=smokes>
+          <tr>
+            <td class="indent2">Parrot&nbsp;<tmpl_var name=VERSION></td>
+            <td>
+              <tmpl_if name=revision>
+                r<tmpl_var name=revision>
+              </tmpl_if>
+            </td>
+            <td class="leftsep"><tmpl_var name=timestamp></td>
+            <td class="leftsep"><tmpl_var name=harness_args></td>
+            <td class="leftsep num"><tmpl_var name=duration></td>
+            <td class="leftsep num"><tmpl_var 
+        <tmpl_loop name=summary>
+          <td class="leftsep num tests_total"><tmpl_var name=total>:</td>
+          <td class="num tests_ok"><tmpl_var name=ok>,</td>
+          <td class="num tests_failed"><tmpl_var name=failed>,</td>
+          <td class="num tests_todo"><tmpl_var name=todo>,</td>
+          <td class="num tests_skipped"><tmpl_var name=skipped>,</td>
+          <td class="num tests_unexpect"><tmpl_var name=unexpect></td>
+        </tmpl_loop>
+        <td><span title="Details" class="expander" 
onclick="toggle_visibility('<tmpl_var name=id>')" id="expander_<tmpl_var 
+        <td><a style="text-decoration: none" href="<tmpl_var name=link>" 
title="Full smoke report">&raquo;</a></td>
+          </tr>
+          <tr class="details" id="details_<tmpl_var name=id>">
+            <td colspan="12" class="indent3">
+              <tmpl_loop name=summary>
+                <span class="tests_total"><tmpl_var name=total> test 
cases</span>:<br />
+                <span class="tests_ok"><tmpl_var name=ok> ok</span>,
+                <span class="tests_failed"><tmpl_var name=failed> 
+                <span class="tests_todo"><tmpl_var name=todo> todo</span>,<br 
+                <span class="tests_skipped"><tmpl_var name=skipped> 
skipped</span> and
+                <span class="tests_unexpect"><tmpl_var name=unexpect> 
unexpectedly succeeded</span>
+              </tmpl_loop><br />
+              <a href="<tmpl_var name=link>" title="Full smoke report">View 
full smoke report</a>
+            </td>
+          </tr>
+        </tmpl_loop>
+      </tmpl_loop>
+    </tmpl_loop>
+  </table>

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