Author: jkeenan
Date: Tue Feb 12 16:02:31 2008
New Revision: 25674

   branches/tcif/lib/Parrot/Configure/   (contents, props changed)

Pull object methods out of Parrot::Configure and place them in new package 
Parrot::Configure::Base (so that they can be inherited by other packages (to 

Modified: branches/tcif/MANIFEST
--- branches/tcif/MANIFEST      (original)
+++ branches/tcif/MANIFEST      Tue Feb 12 16:02:31 2008
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
 # ex: set ro:
 # $Id$
-# generated by tools\dev\ Sun Feb 10 12:42:56 2008 UT
+# generated by tools/dev/ Wed Feb 13 00:01:28 2008 UT
 # See tools/dev/ for documentation on the
 # format of this file.
@@ -2419,6 +2419,7 @@
 lib/Parrot/                                     [devel]
 lib/Parrot/                                        [devel]
 lib/Parrot/                                     [devel]
+lib/Parrot/Configure/                                [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Configure/                            [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Configure/                                [devel]
 lib/Parrot/Configure/                            [devel]

Modified: branches/tcif/lib/Parrot/
--- branches/tcif/lib/Parrot/       (original)
+++ branches/tcif/lib/Parrot/       Tue Feb 12 16:02:31 2008
@@ -41,6 +41,7 @@
 use Carp qw(carp);
 use Storable qw(nstore retrieve);
 use Parrot::Configure::Data;
+use base qw( Parrot::Configure::Base );
 use base qw(Parrot::Configure::Compiler);
 use Class::Struct;
@@ -84,424 +85,6 @@
-=head3 Object Methods
-=over 4
-=item * C<data()>
-Provides access to a Parrot::Configure::Data object intended to contain
-initial and discovered configuration data.
-Accepts no arguments and returns a Parrot::Configure::Data object.
-sub data {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    return $conf->{data};
-=item * C<options()>
-Provides access to a Parrot::Configure::Data object intended to contain CLI
-option data.
-Accepts no arguments and returns a Parrot::Configure::Data object.
-sub options {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    return $conf->{options};
-=item * C<steps()>
-Provides a list of registered steps, where each step is represented by an
-Parrot::Configure::Task object.  Steps are returned in the order in which
-they were registered.
-Accepts no arguments and returns a list in list context or an arrayref in
-scalar context.
-sub steps {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    return wantarray ? @{ $conf->{steps} } : $conf->{steps};
-=item * C<get_list_of_steps()>
-Provides a list of the B<names> of registered steps.
-C<steps()>, in contrast, provides a list of registered step B<objects>, of
-which the B<step name> is just a small part.  Step names are returned in the
-order in which their corresponding step objects were registered.
-Accepts no arguments and returns a list in list context or an arrayref in
-scalar context.
-B<Note:> The list of step names returned by C<get_list_of_steps()> will be the
-same as that returned by C<Parrot::Configure::Step::List::get_steps_list()>
-B<provided> that you have not used C<add_step()> or C<add_steps()> to add any
-configuration tasks other than those named in
-sub get_list_of_steps {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    die "list_of_steps not available until steps have been added"
-        unless defined $conf->{list_of_steps};
-    return wantarray ? @{ $conf->{list_of_steps} } : $conf->{list_of_steps};
-=item * C<add_step()>
-Registers a new step and any parameters that should be passed to it.  The
-first parameter passed is the class name of the step being registered.  All
-other parameters are saved and passed to the registered class's C<runstep()>
-Accepts a list and modifies the data structure within the
-Parrot::Configure object.
-sub add_step {
-    my ( $conf, $step ) = @_;
-    push @{ $conf->{steps} },
-        Parrot::Configure::Task->new(
-            step   => $step,
-        );
-    return 1;
-=item * C<add_steps()>
-Registers new steps to be run at the end of the execution queue.
-Accepts a list of new steps and modifies the data structure within the
-Parrot::Configure object.
-sub add_steps {
-    my ( $conf, @new_steps ) = @_;
-    $conf->{list_of_steps} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
-    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#new_steps ; $i++ ) {
-        $conf->add_step( $new_steps[$i] );
-        $conf->{hash_of_steps}->{ $new_steps[$i] } = $i + 1;
-    }
-    return 1;
-=item * C<runsteps()>
-Sequentially executes steps in the order they were registered.  The invoking
-Parrot::Configure object is passed as the first argument to each step's
-C<runstep()> method, followed by any parameters that were registered for that
-Accepts no arguments and modifies the data structure within the
-Parrot::Configure object.
-sub runsteps {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    my $n = 0;    # step number
-    my ( $silent, $verbose, $verbose_step, $fatal, $fatal_step, $ask );
-    $silent = $conf->options->get(qw( silent ));
-    unless ($silent) {
-        ( $verbose, $verbose_step, $fatal, $fatal_step, $ask ) =
-            $conf->options->get(qw( verbose verbose-step fatal fatal-step ask 
-    }
-    $conf->{log} = [];
-    my %steps_to_die_for = ();
-    # If the --fatal option is true, then all config steps are mapped into
-    # %steps_to_die_for and there is no consideration of --fatal-step.
-    if ($fatal) {
-        %steps_to_die_for = map {$_, 1} @{ $conf->{list_of_steps} };
-    }
-    # We make certain that argument to --fatal-step is a comma-delimited
-    # string of configuration steps, each of which is a string delimited by
-    # two colons, the first half of which is one of init|inter|auto|gen
-    # (This will be modified to take a step sequence number.)
-    elsif ( defined ( $fatal_step ) ) {
-        %steps_to_die_for = $conf->_handle_fatal_step_option( $fatal_step );
-    }
-    else {
-        # No action needed; this is the default case where no step is fatal
-    }
-    foreach my $task ( $conf->steps ) {
-        my $red_flag;
-        my $step_name   = $task->step;
-        if ( scalar ( keys ( %steps_to_die_for ) ) ) {
-            if ( $steps_to_die_for{$step_name} ) {
-                $red_flag++;
-            }
-        }
-        $n++;
-        my $rv = $conf->_run_this_step(
-            {
-                task            => $task,
-                verbose         => $verbose,
-                verbose_step    => $verbose_step,
-                ask             => $ask,
-                n               => $n,
-                silent          => $silent,
-            }
-        );
-        if ( ! defined $rv ) {
-            if ( $red_flag ) {
-                return;
-            } else {
-                $conf->{log}->[$n] = {
-                    step    => $step_name,
-                };
-            }
-        }
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _handle_fatal_step_option {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    my ($fatal_step) = @_;
-    my %steps_to_die_for = ();
-    my $named_step_pattern =    qr/(?:init|inter|auto|gen)::[a-z]+/;
-    my $unit_step_pattern = qr/\d+|$named_step_pattern/;
-    if ( $fatal_step =~ /^
-        $unit_step_pattern
-        (, $unit_step_pattern)*
-        $/x
-    ) {
-        my @fatal_steps = split /,/, $fatal_step;
-        for my $s (@fatal_steps) {
-            if ($s =~ /^\d+$/) {
-                die "No configuration step corresponding to $fatal_step"
-                    unless defined $conf->{list_of_steps}->[$s - 1];
-                my $step_name = $conf->{list_of_steps}->[$s - 1];
-                if ($step_name =~ /$named_step_pattern/) {
-                    $steps_to_die_for{$step_name}++;
-                } else {
-                    die "Configuration step corresponding to $s is invalid";
-                }
-            } else {
-                $steps_to_die_for{$s}++;
-            }
-        }
-    } else {
-        die "Argument to 'fatal-step' option must be comma-delimited string of 
valid configuration steps or configuration step sequence numbers";
-    }
-    return %steps_to_die_for;
-=item * C<run_single_step()>
-The invoking Parrot::Configure object is passed as the first argument to
-each step's C<runstep()> method, followed by any parameters that were
-registered for that step.
-Accepts no arguments and modifies the data structure within the
-Parrot::Configure object.
-sub run_single_step {
-    my $conf     = shift;
-    my $taskname = shift;
-    my ( $verbose, $verbose_step, $ask ) =
-        $conf->options->get(qw( verbose verbose-step ask ));
-    my $task = ( $conf->steps() )[0];
-    if ( $task->{"Parrot::Configure::Task::step"} eq $taskname ) {
-        $conf->_run_this_step(
-            {
-                task            => $task,
-                verbose         => $verbose,
-                verbose_step    => $verbose_step,
-                ask             => $ask,
-                n               => 1,
-            }
-        );
-    }
-    else {
-        die "Mangled task in run_single_step";
-    }
-sub _run_this_step {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    my $args = shift;
-    my $step_name   = $args->{task}->step;
-    eval "use $step_name;";
-    die $@ if $@;
-    my $conftrace = [];
-    my $sto       = q{.configure_trace.sto};
-    {
-        local $Storable::Eval = 1;
-        if ( $conf->options->get(q{configure_trace}) and ( -e $sto ) ) {
-            $conftrace = retrieve($sto);
-        }
-    }
-    my $step = $step_name->new();
-    # set per step verbosity
-    if ( defined $args->{verbose_step} ) {
-        if (
-                (
-                    # by step number
-                    ( $args->{verbose_step} =~ /^\d+$/ )
-                        and ( $args->{n} == $args->{verbose_step} )
-                )
-                or (
-                    # by step name
-                    ( ${ $conf->{hash_of_steps} }{ $args->{verbose_step} } )
-                        and ( $args->{verbose_step} eq $step_name )
-                )
-                or (
-                    # by description
-                    $step->description =~ /$args->{verbose_step}/
-                )
-            )
-        {
-            $conf->options->set( verbose => 2 );
-        }
-    }
-    unless ($args->{silent}) {
-        print "\n", $step->description, '...';
-        print "\n" if $args->{verbose} && $args->{verbose} == 2;
-    }
-    my $ret;
-    # When successful, a Parrot configuration step now returns 1
-    eval { $ret = $step->runstep($conf); };
-    if ($@) {
-        carp "\nstep $step_name died during execution: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
-        return;
-    }
-    else {
-        # A Parrot configuration step can run successfully, but if it fails to
-        # achieve its objective it is supposed to return an undefined status.
-        if ( $ret ) {
-            unless ($args->{silent}) {
-                _finish_printing_result(
-                    {
-                        step        => $step,
-                        step_name   => $step_name,
-                        args        => $args,
-                        description => $step->description,
-                    }
-                );
-            }
-            # reset verbose value for the next step
-            $conf->options->set( verbose => $args->{verbose} );
-            if ($conf->options->get(q{configure_trace}) ) {
-                _update_conftrace(
-                    {
-                        conftrace   => $conftrace,
-                        step_name   => $step_name,
-                        conf        => $conf,
-                        sto         => $sto,
-                    }
-                );
-            }
-            return 1;
-        } else {
-            _failure_message( $step, $step_name );
-            return;
-        }
-    }
-sub _failure_message {
-    my ( $step, $step_name ) = @_;
-    my $result = $step->result || 'no result returned';
-    carp "\nstep $step_name failed: " . $result;
-sub _finish_printing_result {
-    my $argsref = shift;
-    my $result = $argsref->{step}->result || 'done';
-    if ( $argsref->{args}->{verbose} && $argsref->{args}->{verbose} == 2 ) {
-        print "...";
-    }
-    print "." x ( 71 - length($argsref->{description}) - length($result) );
-    unless ( $argsref->{step_name} =~ m{^inter} && $argsref->{args}->{ask} ) {
-        print "$result.";
-    }
-    return 1;
-sub _update_conftrace {
-    my $argsref = shift;
-    if (! defined $argsref->{conftrace}->[0]) {
-        $argsref->{conftrace}->[0] = [];
-    }
-    push @{ $argsref->{conftrace}->[0] }, $argsref->{step_name};
-    my $evolved_data = {
-        options => $argsref->{conf}->{options},
-        data    => $argsref->{conf}->{data},
-    };
-    push @{ $argsref->{conftrace} }, $evolved_data;
-    {
-        local $Storable::Deparse = 1;
-        nstore( $argsref->{conftrace}, $argsref->{sto} );
-    }
-    return 1;
-=item * C<option_or_data($arg)>
-Are you tired of this construction all over the place?
-    my $opt = $conf->options->get( $arg );
-       $opt = $conf->data->get( $arg ) unless defined $opt;
-It gives you the user-specified option for I<$arg>, and if there
-isn't one, it gets it from the created data.  You do it all the
-time, but oh! the wear and tear on your fingers!
-Toil no more!  Use this simple construction:
-    my $opt = $conf->option_or_data($arg);
-and save your fingers for some real work!
-sub option_or_data {
-    my $conf = shift;
-    my $arg  = shift;
-    my $opt = $conf->options->get($arg);
-    return defined $opt ? $opt : $conf->data->get($arg);
 =head1 CREDITS
 The L</runsteps()> method is largely based on code written by Brent

Added: branches/tcif/lib/Parrot/Configure/
--- (empty file)
+++ branches/tcif/lib/Parrot/Configure/  Tue Feb 12 16:02:31 2008
@@ -0,0 +1,476 @@
+# Copyright (C) 2001-2007, The Perl Foundation.
+# $Id$
+package Parrot::Configure::Base;
+use strict;
+use Carp;
+use Storable qw(nstore retrieve);
+=head1 NAME
+Parrot::Configure::Base - Object methods inherited by Parrot::Configure
+and other packages
+=head1 SYNOPSIS
+    use base qw(Parrot::Configure::Base);
+This module holds methods inherited by Parrot::Configure.
+=head1 METHODS
+=over 4
+=item * C<data()>
+Provides access to a Parrot::Configure::Data object intended to contain
+initial and discovered configuration data.
+Accepts no arguments and returns a Parrot::Configure::Data object.
+sub data {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    return $conf->{data};
+=item * C<options()>
+Provides access to a Parrot::Configure::Data object intended to contain CLI
+option data.
+Accepts no arguments and returns a Parrot::Configure::Data object.
+sub options {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    return $conf->{options};
+=item * C<steps()>
+Provides a list of registered steps, where each step is represented by an
+Parrot::Configure::Task object.  Steps are returned in the order in which
+they were registered.
+Accepts no arguments and returns a list in list context or an arrayref in
+scalar context.
+sub steps {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    return wantarray ? @{ $conf->{steps} } : $conf->{steps};
+=item * C<get_list_of_steps()>
+Provides a list of the B<names> of registered steps.
+C<steps()>, in contrast, provides a list of registered step B<objects>, of
+which the B<step name> is just a small part.  Step names are returned in the
+order in which their corresponding step objects were registered.
+Accepts no arguments and returns a list in list context or an arrayref in
+scalar context.
+B<Note:> The list of step names returned by C<get_list_of_steps()> will be the
+same as that returned by C<Parrot::Configure::Step::List::get_steps_list()>
+B<provided> that you have not used C<add_step()> or C<add_steps()> to add any
+configuration tasks other than those named in
+sub get_list_of_steps {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    die "list_of_steps not available until steps have been added"
+        unless defined $conf->{list_of_steps};
+    return wantarray ? @{ $conf->{list_of_steps} } : $conf->{list_of_steps};
+=item * C<add_step()>
+Registers a new step and any parameters that should be passed to it.  The
+first parameter passed is the class name of the step being registered.  All
+other parameters are saved and passed to the registered class's C<runstep()>
+Accepts a list and modifies the data structure within the
+Parrot::Configure object.
+sub add_step {
+    my ( $conf, $step ) = @_;
+    push @{ $conf->{steps} },
+        Parrot::Configure::Task->new(
+            step   => $step,
+        );
+    return 1;
+=item * C<add_steps()>
+Registers new steps to be run at the end of the execution queue.
+Accepts a list of new steps and modifies the data structure within the
+Parrot::Configure object.
+sub add_steps {
+    my ( $conf, @new_steps ) = @_;
+    $conf->{list_of_steps} = [EMAIL PROTECTED];
+    for ( my $i = 0 ; $i <= $#new_steps ; $i++ ) {
+        $conf->add_step( $new_steps[$i] );
+        $conf->{hash_of_steps}->{ $new_steps[$i] } = $i + 1;
+    }
+    return 1;
+=item * C<runsteps()>
+Sequentially executes steps in the order they were registered.  The invoking
+Parrot::Configure object is passed as the first argument to each step's
+C<runstep()> method, followed by any parameters that were registered for that
+Accepts no arguments and modifies the data structure within the
+Parrot::Configure object.
+sub runsteps {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    my $n = 0;    # step number
+    my ( $silent, $verbose, $verbose_step, $fatal, $fatal_step, $ask );
+    $silent = $conf->options->get(qw( silent ));
+    unless ($silent) {
+        ( $verbose, $verbose_step, $fatal, $fatal_step, $ask ) =
+            $conf->options->get(qw( verbose verbose-step fatal fatal-step ask 
+    }
+    $conf->{log} = [];
+    my %steps_to_die_for = ();
+    # If the --fatal option is true, then all config steps are mapped into
+    # %steps_to_die_for and there is no consideration of --fatal-step.
+    if ($fatal) {
+        %steps_to_die_for = map {$_, 1} @{ $conf->{list_of_steps} };
+    }
+    # We make certain that argument to --fatal-step is a comma-delimited
+    # string of configuration steps, each of which is a string delimited by
+    # two colons, the first half of which is one of init|inter|auto|gen
+    # (This will be modified to take a step sequence number.)
+    elsif ( defined ( $fatal_step ) ) {
+        %steps_to_die_for = $conf->_handle_fatal_step_option( $fatal_step );
+    }
+    else {
+        # No action needed; this is the default case where no step is fatal
+    }
+    foreach my $task ( $conf->steps ) {
+        my $red_flag;
+        my $step_name   = $task->step;
+        if ( scalar ( keys ( %steps_to_die_for ) ) ) {
+            if ( $steps_to_die_for{$step_name} ) {
+                $red_flag++;
+            }
+        }
+        $n++;
+        my $rv = $conf->_run_this_step(
+            {
+                task            => $task,
+                verbose         => $verbose,
+                verbose_step    => $verbose_step,
+                ask             => $ask,
+                n               => $n,
+                silent          => $silent,
+            }
+        );
+        if ( ! defined $rv ) {
+            if ( $red_flag ) {
+                return;
+            } else {
+                $conf->{log}->[$n] = {
+                    step    => $step_name,
+                };
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub _handle_fatal_step_option {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    my ($fatal_step) = @_;
+    my %steps_to_die_for = ();
+    my $named_step_pattern =    qr/(?:init|inter|auto|gen)::[a-z]+/;
+    my $unit_step_pattern = qr/\d+|$named_step_pattern/;
+    if ( $fatal_step =~ /^
+        $unit_step_pattern
+        (, $unit_step_pattern)*
+        $/x
+    ) {
+        my @fatal_steps = split /,/, $fatal_step;
+        for my $s (@fatal_steps) {
+            if ($s =~ /^\d+$/) {
+                die "No configuration step corresponding to $fatal_step"
+                    unless defined $conf->{list_of_steps}->[$s - 1];
+                my $step_name = $conf->{list_of_steps}->[$s - 1];
+                if ($step_name =~ /$named_step_pattern/) {
+                    $steps_to_die_for{$step_name}++;
+                } else {
+                    die "Configuration step corresponding to $s is invalid";
+                }
+            } else {
+                $steps_to_die_for{$s}++;
+            }
+        }
+    } else {
+        die "Argument to 'fatal-step' option must be comma-delimited string of 
valid configuration steps or configuration step sequence numbers";
+    }
+    return %steps_to_die_for;
+=item * C<run_single_step()>
+The invoking Parrot::Configure object is passed as the first argument to
+each step's C<runstep()> method, followed by any parameters that were
+registered for that step.
+Accepts no arguments and modifies the data structure within the
+Parrot::Configure object.
+sub run_single_step {
+    my $conf     = shift;
+    my $taskname = shift;
+    my ( $verbose, $verbose_step, $ask ) =
+        $conf->options->get(qw( verbose verbose-step ask ));
+    my $task = ( $conf->steps() )[0];
+    if ( $task->{"Parrot::Configure::Task::step"} eq $taskname ) {
+        $conf->_run_this_step(
+            {
+                task            => $task,
+                verbose         => $verbose,
+                verbose_step    => $verbose_step,
+                ask             => $ask,
+                n               => 1,
+            }
+        );
+    }
+    else {
+        die "Mangled task in run_single_step";
+    }
+sub _run_this_step {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    my $args = shift;
+    my $step_name   = $args->{task}->step;
+    eval "use $step_name;";
+    die $@ if $@;
+    my $conftrace = [];
+    my $sto       = q{.configure_trace.sto};
+    {
+        local $Storable::Eval = 1;
+        if ( $conf->options->get(q{configure_trace}) and ( -e $sto ) ) {
+            $conftrace = retrieve($sto);
+        }
+    }
+    my $step = $step_name->new();
+    # set per step verbosity
+    if ( defined $args->{verbose_step} ) {
+        if (
+                (
+                    # by step number
+                    ( $args->{verbose_step} =~ /^\d+$/ )
+                        and ( $args->{n} == $args->{verbose_step} )
+                )
+                or (
+                    # by step name
+                    ( ${ $conf->{hash_of_steps} }{ $args->{verbose_step} } )
+                        and ( $args->{verbose_step} eq $step_name )
+                )
+                or (
+                    # by description
+                    $step->description =~ /$args->{verbose_step}/
+                )
+            )
+        {
+            $conf->options->set( verbose => 2 );
+        }
+    }
+    unless ($args->{silent}) {
+        print "\n", $step->description, '...';
+        print "\n" if $args->{verbose} && $args->{verbose} == 2;
+    }
+    my $ret;
+    # When successful, a Parrot configuration step now returns 1
+    eval { $ret = $step->runstep($conf); };
+    if ($@) {
+        carp "\nstep $step_name died during execution: [EMAIL PROTECTED]";
+        return;
+    }
+    else {
+        # A Parrot configuration step can run successfully, but if it fails to
+        # achieve its objective it is supposed to return an undefined status.
+        if ( $ret ) {
+            unless ($args->{silent}) {
+                _finish_printing_result(
+                    {
+                        step        => $step,
+                        step_name   => $step_name,
+                        args        => $args,
+                        description => $step->description,
+                    }
+                );
+            }
+            # reset verbose value for the next step
+            $conf->options->set( verbose => $args->{verbose} );
+            if ($conf->options->get(q{configure_trace}) ) {
+                _update_conftrace(
+                    {
+                        conftrace   => $conftrace,
+                        step_name   => $step_name,
+                        conf        => $conf,
+                        sto         => $sto,
+                    }
+                );
+            }
+            return 1;
+        } else {
+            _failure_message( $step, $step_name );
+            return;
+        }
+    }
+sub _failure_message {
+    my ( $step, $step_name ) = @_;
+    my $result = $step->result || 'no result returned';
+    carp "\nstep $step_name failed: " . $result;
+sub _finish_printing_result {
+    my $argsref = shift;
+    my $result = $argsref->{step}->result || 'done';
+    if ( $argsref->{args}->{verbose} && $argsref->{args}->{verbose} == 2 ) {
+        print "...";
+    }
+    print "." x ( 71 - length($argsref->{description}) - length($result) );
+    unless ( $argsref->{step_name} =~ m{^inter} && $argsref->{args}->{ask} ) {
+        print "$result.";
+    }
+    return 1;
+sub _update_conftrace {
+    my $argsref = shift;
+    if (! defined $argsref->{conftrace}->[0]) {
+        $argsref->{conftrace}->[0] = [];
+    }
+    push @{ $argsref->{conftrace}->[0] }, $argsref->{step_name};
+    my $evolved_data = {
+        options => $argsref->{conf}->{options},
+        data    => $argsref->{conf}->{data},
+    };
+    push @{ $argsref->{conftrace} }, $evolved_data;
+    {
+        local $Storable::Deparse = 1;
+        nstore( $argsref->{conftrace}, $argsref->{sto} );
+    }
+    return 1;
+=item * C<option_or_data($arg)>
+Are you tired of this construction all over the place?
+    my $opt = $conf->options->get( $arg );
+       $opt = $conf->data->get( $arg ) unless defined $opt;
+It gives you the user-specified option for I<$arg>, and if there
+isn't one, it gets it from the created data.  You do it all the
+time, but oh! the wear and tear on your fingers!
+Toil no more!  Use this simple construction:
+    my $opt = $conf->option_or_data($arg);
+and save your fingers for some real work!
+sub option_or_data {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    my $arg  = shift;
+    my $opt = $conf->options->get($arg);
+    return defined $opt ? $opt : $conf->data->get($arg);
+=item * C<refresh($arg)>
+sub refresh {
+    my $conf = shift;
+    my $arg  = shift;
+    return unless defined $arg;
+    foreach my $k (keys %{$arg}) {
+        $conf->{$k} = $arg->{$k};
+    }
+=head1 CREDITS
+The L</runsteps()> method is largely based on code written by Brent
+Royal-Gordon C<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>.
+=head1 AUTHOR
+Joshua Hoblitt C<[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
+=head1 SEE ALSO
+F<docs/configuration.pod>, L<Parrot::Configure::Data>,
+L<Parrot::Configure::Step>, L<Parrot::Configure::Step::Base>
+# Local Variables:
+#   mode: cperl
+#   cperl-indent-level: 4
+#   fill-column: 100
+# End:
+# vim: expandtab shiftwidth=4:

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