Author: pmichaud
Date: Sat May 17 22:50:46 2008
New Revision: 27613


* Make :name option work for registering classes.

Modified: branches/p6object/runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir
--- branches/p6object/runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir       (original)
+++ branches/p6object/runtime/parrot/library/P6object.pir       Sat May 17 
22:50:46 2008
@@ -164,6 +164,11 @@
 of C<parrotclass>, or by individually composing C<P6object>'s methods
 into C<parrotclass>.
+The C<name> parameter causes objects to be registered using a name
+that differs from the parrotclass name.  This is useful when needing
+to map to a class name that already exists in Parrot (e.g., 'Hash'
+or 'Object').
 .sub 'register' :method
@@ -207,14 +212,19 @@
     ##  determine parrotclass' canonical p6-name
+    .local string name
     .local pmc ns
-    $S0 = parrotclass
+    name = options['name']
+    if name goto have_name
+    ##  use the name of parrotclass if :name not supplied
+    name = parrotclass
+  have_name:
     ##  Parrot joins namespaces with ';'
-    ns = split ';', $S0
+    ns = split ';', name
     $I0 = elements ns
     if $I0 > 1 goto have_ns
     ##  but perhaps it's a (legacy) ::-delimited name instead
-    ns = split '::', $S0
+    ns = split '::', name
     ##  get the metaclass (how) from :protoobject, or create one
@@ -288,7 +298,6 @@
     .param string name
     .param pmc options         :slurpy :named
-    trace 1
     .local pmc parentclass, parrotclass
     parentclass = options['parent']
     if null parentclass goto parent_p6object
@@ -317,7 +326,6 @@
     parrotclass = subclass 'P6object', name
-    trace 0
     .local pmc attrlist
     attrlist = options['attr']
@@ -336,7 +344,7 @@
     goto iter_loop
-    .return self.'register'(parrotclass)
+    .return self.'register'(parrotclass, options :named :flat)

Modified: branches/p6object/t/library/p6object.t
--- branches/p6object/t/library/p6object.t      (original)
+++ branches/p6object/t/library/p6object.t      Sat May 17 22:50:46 2008
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@
     ##  set our plan
     .local int plan_tests
-    plan(80)
+    plan(87)
     ##  make sure we can load the P6object library
     push_eh load_failed
@@ -246,6 +246,24 @@
     $I0 = isa mno, 'P6protoobject'
     nok($I0, 'MNO object not isa P6protoobject')
+    ##  use the :name option to set a class name
+    .local pmc p6objproto, p6obj
+    metaproto.'new_class'('Perl6Object', 'name'=>'Object')
+    p6objproto = get_hll_global 'Object'
+    isa_ok(p6objproto, 'Perl6Object', 'Object proto')
+    isa_ok(p6objproto, 'P6object', 'Object proto')
+    isa_ok(p6objproto, 'P6protoobject', 'Object proto')
+    $S0 = p6objproto
+    is($S0, 'Object', 'Object.WHAT eq "Object"')
+    $P0 = get_hll_global 'Perl6Object'
+    $I0 = isa $P0, 'P6protoobject'
+    nok($I0, "Didn't store proto into Perl6Object")
+    p6obj = p6objproto.'new'()
+    isa_ok(p6obj, 'Perl6Object', 'Object instance')
+    $P0 = p6obj.'WHAT'()
+    $I0 = issame $P0, p6objproto
+    ok($I0, 'obj.WHAT =:= Object.WHAT')
     .return ()
     ok(0, "load_bytecode 'P6object.pir' failed -- skipping tests")

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