Author: julianalbo
Date: Fri Jan 23 17:47:19 2009
New Revision: 35935

   trunk/examples/pir/interlangs.bas   (contents, props changed)

pirric: add example of HLL interoperability

Modified: trunk/MANIFEST
--- trunk/MANIFEST      (original)
+++ trunk/MANIFEST      Fri Jan 23 17:47:19 2009
@@ -710,6 +710,7 @@
 examples/pir/hanoi.pir                                      [main]doc
 examples/pir/hello-dwim.pir                                 [main]doc
 examples/pir/io.pir                                         [main]doc
+examples/pir/interlangs.bas                                 [main]doc
 examples/pir/levenshtein.pir                                [main]doc
 examples/pir/life.pir                                       [main]doc
 examples/pir/local_label.pir                                [main]doc

Added: trunk/examples/pir/interlangs.bas
--- (empty file)
+++ trunk/examples/pir/interlangs.bas   Fri Jan 23 17:47:19 2009
@@ -0,0 +1,63 @@
+1 REM Copyright (C) 2009, The Perl Foundation.
+2 REM $Id$
+3 REM
+110 REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+120 REM + interlangs.bas                                                     +
+130 REM + A test of parrot HLL languages interoperability                    +
+140 REM + from pirric basic interpreter                                      +
+150 REM + First build perl6 and ecmascript                                   +
+160 REM + Then do:                                                           +
+170 REM + ../../parrot -L /yourparrotdir/languages/perl6                     +
+180 REM +              -L /yourparrotdir/languages/ecamscript                +
+190 REM +               pirric.pir perl6-js.bas                              +
+200 REM +--------------------------------------------------------------------+
+210 REM
+1000 REM Load languages
+1010 gosub 2000
+1020 REM Compile code
+1030 gosub 3000
+1200 REM Execute compiled code
+1210 REM Forget the return value from ecmascript
+1220 unused= jsblock()
+1230 REM The perl6 block return the sub we need
+1240 perl6sub= perl6block()
+1300 REM Now start playing
+1310 REM Get the javascript function created
+1318 REM Get the function from the js HLL.
+1319 REM *** This syntax is subject to change ***
+1320 myfunc= js.myecmascriptfunc
+1330 REM Call the perl6 sub passing the ecmascript function as second argument
+1340 print perl6sub("pirric", myfunc)
+1600 REM First the ecmascript function print his message,
+1610 REM then the parrot sub returns a string,
+1620 REM that is printed by pirric.
+1630 REM The output must be:
+1640 REM
+1650 REM Hello from ecmascript
+1660 REM Hello from a perl6 sub, pirric
+1670 REM
+1900 REM That's all folks!
+1910 exit
+3000 REM
+3010 REM Compile code
+3020 REM
+3100 REM Perl6 code that return an anonymous sub
+3110 perl6block=perl6compiler.compile("sub ($a, $b){$b(); 'Hello from a perl6 
sub, ' ~ $a; };")
+3200 REM ecmascript code that defines a function
+3210 jsblock=ecmascriptcompiler.compile("function myecmascriptfunc() { print 
('Hello from ecmascript'); }")
+3800 return
+2000 REM
+2010 REM Load languages
+2020 REM
+2100 on error goto 2900
+2110 load "perl6.pbc", b
+2120 perl6compiler = compreg("Perl6")
+2200 on error goto 2920
+2210 load "js.pbc", b
+2220 ecmascriptcompiler= compreg("JS")
+2800 on error goto 0
+2810 return
+2900 print "Can't load perl6"
+2910 exit
+2920 print "Can't load ecmascript"
+2930 exit

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