Author: crossley
Date: Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
New Revision: 47633

   cocoon/site/site/devinfo/index.html   (contents, props changed)
   cocoon/site/site/devinfo/releasing.html   (contents, props changed)
Update top-level website.

Modified: cocoon/site/site/community/contrib.html
--- cocoon/site/site/community/contrib.html     (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/community/contrib.html     Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -98,37 +98,29 @@
 <font color="#CFDCED">Navigation</font>
 <a href="../index.html">Main</a>
 <font color="#CFDCED">Community</font>
 <a href="members.html">Members</a>
 <span class="sel"><font color="#ffcc00">Contributing</font></span>
 <a href="committer.html">Committer Tips</a>
 <a href="mail-lists.html">Mail Lists</a>
 <a href="mail-archives.html">Mail Archives</a>

Modified: cocoon/site/site/community/mail-lists.html
--- cocoon/site/site/community/mail-lists.html  (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/community/mail-lists.html  Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -396,7 +396,7 @@
 <p>This list is for everyone (users and developers) to assist with building
-    the Cocoon documentation. Also, all <a 
+    the Cocoon documentation. Also, all <a 
     changes are automatically posted here.

Added: cocoon/site/site/devinfo/index.html
--- (empty file)
+++ cocoon/site/site/devinfo/index.html Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,251 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
+<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>Cocoon Developer Info</title>
+<link type="text/css" href="../skin/page.css" rel="stylesheet">
+<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
+<!--================= start Navigation Path ==================-->
+<table summary="navigation path" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<td nowrap="nowrap" valign="middle" bgcolor="#CFDCED" height="20"><img 
height="1" width="5" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" 
class="spacer"><!--===== breadcrumb trail (javascript-generated) ====--><font 
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+<!--================= start Banner ==================-->
+<table summary="header with logos" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<!--================= start Group Logo ==================-->
+<td bgcolor="#294563"><a href="";><img border="0" 
class="logoImage" alt="Apache Cocoon" 
+<!--================= end Group Logo ==================-->
+<!--================= start Project Logo ==================--><td width="100%" 
align="center" bgcolor="#294563"><a href="";><img 
border="0" class="logoImage" alt="Apache Cocoon" 
+<!--================= end Project Logo ==================-->
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rowspan="2" bgcolor="#294563">
+<form target="_blank" action=""; method="get">
+<table summary="search" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<td colspan="3"><img height="10" width="1" alt="" 
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class="spacer"></td><td nowrap="nowrap"><input value="" 
name="sitesearch" type="hidden"><input size="15" name="q" id="query" 
type="text"><img height="1" width="5" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" 
class="spacer"><input name="Search" value="Search" type="submit">
+<font face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif" size="2" color="white">
+                      the Apache Cocoon site
+                    </font></td><td><img height="1" width="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td><img alt="" border="0" height="10" width="9" 
src="../skin/images/search-left.gif"></td><td><img height="1" width="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td><img alt="" border="0" 
height="10" width="9" src="../skin/images/search-right.gif"></td>
+<!--================= start Search ==================--><td 
bgcolor="#294563"><img height="10" width="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#294563" colspan="2">
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+<div class="tab">
+<table summary="tab bar" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<td width="6"><img alt="" height="8" width="6" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif"></td><td valign="bottom">
+<table summary="selected tab" style="height: 1.8em" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<td valign="top" width="5" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="5" width="5" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/tabSel-left.gif"></td><td valign="middle" 
bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><font color="#ffffff" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, 
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href="../index.html">Home</a></b></font></td><td valign="top" width="5" 
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src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td bgcolor="#4C6C8F" colspan="4"><img width="1" height="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end Banner ==================-->
+<!--================= start Menu, NavBar, Content ==================-->
+<table summary="page content" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%" border="0" 
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<td valign="top">
+<table summary="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+<!--================= start left top NavBar ==================-->
+<td rowspan="3" valign="top">
+<table summary="blue line" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<td bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td bgcolor="#CFDCED"><font color="#4C6C8F" size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica, 
+<td bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end left top NavBar ==================--><td 
bgcolor="#294563"><img width="1" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td valign="bottom" 
bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img width="10" height="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td nowrap="nowrap" 
valign="top" bgcolor="#4C6C8F">
+<!--================= start Menu items ==================-->
+<div class="menu">
+<font color="#CFDCED">Navigation</font>
+<a href="../index.html">Main</a>
+<font color="#CFDCED">Developer Infos</font>
+<span class="sel"><font color="#ffcc00">Overview</font></span>
+<a href="releasing.html">Releasing</a>
+<!--================= end Menu items ==================-->
+</td><td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img width="10" height="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td bgcolor="#294563"><img 
width="1" height="1" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
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bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="10" width="10" border="0" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/menu-left.gif"></td><td bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="10" 
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valign="bottom" align="right" colspan="2" rowspan="2" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img 
height="10" width="10" border="0" alt="" 
+<td height="1" bgcolor="#294563"><img width="1" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+</td><td valign="top" width="100%">
+<table summary="content" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<!--================= start middle NavBar ==================-->
+<td colspan="4" bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td align="left" width="10" bgcolor="#CFDCED"><img width="10" height="1" 
alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td align="left" 
width="50%" bgcolor="#CFDCED"><font color="#4C6C8F" size="3" face="Arial, 
Helvetica, Sans-serif">
+                &nbsp;
+                </font><img width="10" height="8" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td align="right" 
width="50%" bgcolor="#CFDCED"><font color="#4C6C8F" size="3" face="Arial, 
Helvetica, Sans-serif">
+                &nbsp;
+                </font><img width="10" height="8" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td width="10" 
bgcolor="#CFDCED"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td colspan="4" bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end middle NavBar ==================-->
+<!--================= start Content==================-->
+<td align="left" width="10"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td colspan="2" 
align="left" width="100%">
+<div class="content">
+<table class="title" summary="">
+<td valign="middle">
+<h1>Cocoon Developer Info</h1>
+<ul class="minitoc">
+<a href="#Overview">Overview</a>
+<a href="#Apache+Developer+Info">Apache Developer Info</a>
+<a name="N1000C"></a><a name="Overview"></a>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+        This page lists resources and information useful to Apache Cocoon
+        committers. 
+      </p>
+<a href="releasing.html">Howto Release Cocoon</a>
+<a name="N1001E"></a><a name="Apache+Developer+Info"></a>
+<h3>Apache Developer Info</h3>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+        Here are some interesting resources and information useful to all
+        Apache committers.  More information can be obtained from the
+        [EMAIL PROTECTED] mailing list.
+      </p>
+<a href="";>Apache Developer Info</a>
+<a href="";>Contributors Tech 
+<a href="";>Committers FAQ</a>
+<a href="";>PMC FAQ</a>
+<a href="";>Version Control 
+<a href="";>Machines List</a>
+<div class="attribution"></div>
+</td><td width="10"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end Content==================-->
+<!--================= end Menu, NavBar, Content ==================-->
+<!--================= start Footer ==================-->
+<table summary="footer" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" width="100%" 
+<td colspan="2" height="1" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="1" width="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"><a 
href="../skin/images/label.gif"></a><a href="../skin/images/page.gif"></a><a 
href="../skin/images/current.gif"></a><a href="/favicon.ico"></a></td>
+<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CFDCED" class="copyright" align="center"><font 
size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif">Copyright &copy;
+          2003-2004&nbsp;The Apache Software Foundation. All rights 
reserved.<script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript"><!--
+              document.write(" - "+"Last Published: " + document.lastModified);
+            //  --></script></font></td>
+<td colspan="2" align="left" bgcolor="#CFDCED" class="logos">
+<img alt="" height="1" width="10" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif"></div>
+<!--================= end Footer ==================-->

Added: cocoon/site/site/devinfo/releasing.html
--- (empty file)
+++ cocoon/site/site/devinfo/releasing.html     Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,695 @@
+<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN" 
+<META http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=UTF-8">
+<title>Howto Release Cocoon</title>
+<link type="text/css" href="../skin/page.css" rel="stylesheet">
+<body text="#000000" bgcolor="#FFFFFF">
+<!--================= start Navigation Path ==================-->
+<table summary="navigation path" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<td nowrap="nowrap" valign="middle" bgcolor="#CFDCED" height="20"><img 
height="1" width="5" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" 
class="spacer"><!--===== breadcrumb trail (javascript-generated) ====--><font 
size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif"><script 
src="../skin/breadcrumbs.js" language="JavaScript" 
+<td bgcolor="#4C6C8F" height="2"><img height="2" width="2" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end Navigation Path ==================-->
+<!--================= start Banner ==================-->
+<table summary="header with logos" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<!--================= start Group Logo ==================-->
+<td bgcolor="#294563"><a href="";><img border="0" 
class="logoImage" alt="Apache Cocoon" 
+<!--================= end Group Logo ==================-->
+<!--================= start Project Logo ==================--><td width="100%" 
align="center" bgcolor="#294563"><a href="";><img 
border="0" class="logoImage" alt="Apache Cocoon" 
+<!--================= end Project Logo ==================-->
+<!--================= start Search ==================--><td valign="top" 
rowspan="2" bgcolor="#294563">
+<form target="_blank" action=""; method="get">
+<table summary="search" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<td colspan="3"><img height="10" width="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td><img height="1" width="1" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" 
class="spacer"></td><td nowrap="nowrap"><input value="" 
name="sitesearch" type="hidden"><input size="15" name="q" id="query" 
type="text"><img height="1" width="5" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" 
class="spacer"><input name="Search" value="Search" type="submit">
+<font face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans-serif" size="2" color="white">
+                      the Apache Cocoon site
+                    </font></td><td><img height="1" width="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td><img alt="" border="0" height="10" width="9" 
src="../skin/images/search-left.gif"></td><td><img height="1" width="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td><img alt="" border="0" 
height="10" width="9" src="../skin/images/search-right.gif"></td>
+<!--================= start Search ==================--><td 
bgcolor="#294563"><img height="10" width="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#294563" colspan="2">
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+<div class="tab">
+<table summary="tab bar" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<td width="6"><img alt="" height="8" width="6" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif"></td><td valign="bottom">
+<table summary="selected tab" style="height: 1.8em" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<td valign="top" width="5" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="5" width="5" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/tabSel-left.gif"></td><td valign="middle" 
bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><font color="#ffffff" size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, 
Sans-serif"><b><a class="base-selected" 
href="../index.html">Home</a></b></font></td><td valign="top" width="5" 
bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="5" width="5" alt="" 
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src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td bgcolor="#4C6C8F" colspan="4"><img width="1" height="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end Banner ==================-->
+<!--================= start Menu, NavBar, Content ==================-->
+<table summary="page content" bgcolor="#ffffff" width="100%" border="0" 
cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<td valign="top">
+<table summary="menu" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
+<!--================= start left top NavBar ==================-->
+<td rowspan="3" valign="top">
+<table summary="blue line" border="0" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0">
+<td bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td bgcolor="#CFDCED"><font color="#4C6C8F" size="4" face="Arial, Helvetica, 
+<td bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end left top NavBar ==================--><td 
bgcolor="#294563"><img width="1" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td valign="bottom" 
bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img width="10" height="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td nowrap="nowrap" 
valign="top" bgcolor="#4C6C8F">
+<!--================= start Menu items ==================-->
+<div class="menu">
+<font color="#CFDCED">Navigation</font>
+<a href="../index.html">Main</a>
+<font color="#CFDCED">Developer Infos</font>
+<a href="index.html">Overview</a>
+<span class="sel"><font color="#ffcc00">Releasing</font></span>
+<!--================= end Menu items ==================-->
+</td><td valign="bottom" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img width="10" height="10" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td bgcolor="#294563"><img 
width="1" height="1" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td valign="bottom" align="left" colspan="2" rowspan="2" 
bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="10" width="10" border="0" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/menu-left.gif"></td><td bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="10" 
width="10" alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td 
valign="bottom" align="right" colspan="2" rowspan="2" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img 
height="10" width="10" border="0" alt="" 
+<td height="1" bgcolor="#294563"><img width="1" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+</td><td valign="top" width="100%">
+<table summary="content" width="100%" border="0" cellpadding="0" 
+<!--================= start middle NavBar ==================-->
+<td colspan="4" bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td align="left" width="10" bgcolor="#CFDCED"><img width="10" height="1" 
alt="" src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td align="left" 
width="50%" bgcolor="#CFDCED"><font color="#4C6C8F" size="3" face="Arial, 
Helvetica, Sans-serif">
+                &nbsp;
+                </font><img width="10" height="8" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td align="right" 
width="50%" bgcolor="#CFDCED"><font color="#4C6C8F" size="3" face="Arial, 
Helvetica, Sans-serif">
+                &nbsp;
+                </font><img width="10" height="8" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td width="10" 
bgcolor="#CFDCED"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<td colspan="4" bgcolor="#294563"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
+<!--================= end middle NavBar ==================-->
+<!--================= start Content==================-->
+<td align="left" width="10"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td><td colspan="2" 
align="left" width="100%">
+<div class="content">
+<table class="title" summary="">
+<td valign="middle">
+<h1>Howto Release Cocoon</h1>
+<ul class="minitoc">
+<a href="#Overview">Overview</a>
+<a href="#Naming+Conventions">Naming Conventions</a>
+<a href="#The+Release+Process">The Release Process</a>
+<ul class="minitoc">
+<a href="#Code+Freeze">Code Freeze</a>
+<a href="#Test+Phase">Test Phase</a>
+<a href="#Voting+the+release+tarball">Voting the release tarball</a>
+<a href="#Starting+the+Release+Process">Starting the Release Process</a>
+<a href="#Get+the+Version">Get the Version</a>
+<a href="#Set+Correct+Version+Information">Set Correct Version Information</a>
+<a href="#Exclude+unstable+blocks+from+the+default+build">Exclude unstable 
blocks from the default build</a>
+<a href="#Build+the+Distrubtion">Build the Distrubtion</a>
+<a href="#Test+the+distribution">Test the distribution</a>
+<a href="#Decide+what+to+do+next">Decide what to do next</a>
+<a href="#Continuing+the+Release+Process">Continuing the Release Process</a>
+<a href="#Starting+the+Next+Version">Starting the Next Version</a>
+<a href="#Signing+the+Release">Signing the Release</a>
+<a href="#Bugtracking">Bugtracking</a>
+<a href="#Uploading+the+Release">Uploading the Release</a>
+<a href="#Announcement">Announcement</a>
+<a href="#Take+a+break...">Take a break...</a>
+<a href="#Update+mirror+page">Update mirror page</a>
+<a href="#Create+the+announcement+mail">Create the announcement mail</a>
+<a href="#Register+final+version">Register final version</a>
+<a href="#Update+the+site+docs">Update the site docs</a>
+<a href="#Enter+new+version">Enter new version</a>
+<a href="#Publishing+and+linking">Publishing and linking</a>
+<a name="N1000C"></a><a name="Overview"></a>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+        This info is for Cocoon committers who need to distribute a new 
release of Cocoon
+        or any subproject of Cocoon.
+      </p>
+<a name="N10016"></a><a name="Naming+Conventions"></a>
+<h3>Naming Conventions</h3>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+        The name of each downloadable archive should be named after the 
+        regular expression:
+      </p>
+<pre class="code">
+        cocoon(-SUBPROJECT)?-VERSION(-VARIANT)?-(src|bin).(zip|tar.gz) 
+      </pre>
+        Where:
+      </p>
+<li>SUBPROJECT is the name of the eventual subproject (optional)</li>
+<li>VERSION is a version string without dashes (ex. 2.1.5, 2.2m1...)</li>
+<li>VARIANT identifies the "type of distribution" (ex. win32, jdk12, linux, 
jdk14...) (optional)</li>
+        So, all our archives shall be called something like:
+        <em>cocoon-2.0.4-jdk14-bin.tar.gz</em> or <em></em>
+        and so on...
+      </p>
+        Subprojects apply to the same rule, except that of course they add 
+        project name before the version information. For example for Lenya, the
+        name should be along the lines of <em>cocoon-lenya-1.0-bin.tar.gz</em>.
+      </p>
+<a name="N10043"></a><a name="The+Release+Process"></a>
+<h3>The Release Process</h3>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+        This is a step-by-step procedure that covers the last eight days before
+        the actual release date.
+      </p>
+<a name="N1004C"></a><a name="Code+Freeze"></a>
+<h4>Code Freeze</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Prior to the release day, a code freeze should be announced approx. 
+          eight days in advance.
+        </p>
+<a name="N10056"></a><a name="Test+Phase"></a>
+<h4>Test Phase</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          During the code freeze the whole Cocoon community is invited to test
+          test distribution, find and fix bugs and update the documentation. if
+          desired an invitation to the community to help in polishing the 
+          can be send out to the mailing lists.
+        </p>
+<a name="N10060"></a><a name="Voting+the+release+tarball"></a>
+<h4>Voting the release tarball</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Three days before the actual release date, a release tarball is 
+          and put on a publically reachable location. Now a vote is started 
for the
+          next 72h if this tarball can be used as the final release. This 
+          only differs in the version information.
+        </p>
+          During this period, no commits should alter the repository.
+        </p>
+          If the vote is accepted, the release process is started. If the vote 
+          it has to be decided what to do next.
+        </p>
+<a name="N10070"></a><a name="Starting+the+Release+Process"></a>
+<h4>Starting the Release Process</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Send a simple mail to the developer list. This is in order to ensure 
+          noone will check in during the release process. If someone checks in 
+          during the building, testing and tagging, the release process has to 
+          be started at the beginning again. Otherwise the release version is
+          not the one tagged in CVS.
+        </p>
+<a name="N1007A"></a><a name="Get+the+Version"></a>
+<h4>Get the Version</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Check-out a fresh copy from the cvs on a unix platform (this is 
+          do not use windows!)
+        </p>
+<a name="N10084"></a><a name="Set+Correct+Version+Information"></a>
+<h4>Set Correct Version Information</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Change the version information in 
+          by removing <em>-dev</em> and eventually add new release information 
like m1, b1 etc.
+          If this release is a final version, change the 
<em>released.version</em> info 
+          to the new version as well.
+        </p>
+          And also change the version accordingly in 
+          But don't check-in this yet!
+        </p>
+<a name="N1009D"></a><a 
+<h4>Exclude unstable blocks from the default build</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Edit the file and exclude all unstable blocks.
+          Since it's a release they should not get compiled by default.
+        </p>
+<a name="N100A7"></a><a name="Build+the+Distrubtion"></a>
+<h4>Build the Distrubtion</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Make sure that you make a clean build and that you are really not 
using windows:
+        </p>
+<pre class="code">
+# ./ clean-dist
+# ./ dist
+        </pre>
+<a name="N100B6"></a><a name="Test+the+distribution"></a>
+<h4>Test the distribution</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Unarchive the build distribution and test it. These tests should 
+          different platforms (windows and unix) and different JDKs (1.3 and 
+          Testing includes building Cocoon from the release version and trying 
out the samples.
+          Please also run 'build test'.
+        </p>
+<a name="N100C0"></a><a name="Decide+what+to+do+next"></a>
+<h4>Decide what to do next</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          If any problem occurs during building and/or testing, you have to 
decide whether
+          this is a blocker and has to be fixed or if this problem can be 
+          If it is a blocker, the problem must be fixed and after that you 
have to restart
+          at the beginning. This decision is a from case to case decision and 
+          the release manager who decides if it's a blocker or not :)
+        </p>
+<a name="N100CA"></a><a name="Continuing+the+Release+Process"></a>
+<h4>Continuing the Release Process</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Now check-in the changed version from the first step and tag the 
release in cvs.
+          Currently three files should have been changed in the last steps:
+        </p>
+<em>src/java/org/apache/cocoon/</em> : Version 
+<em></em> : Version information</li>
+<em></em> : Disable unstable blocks</li>
+          Use RELEASE_{VERSION} as the tag for tagging the release, like 
+        </p>
+<a name="N100E9"></a><a name="Starting+the+Next+Version"></a>
+<h4>Starting the Next Version</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Change the version in 
+          by increasing the version information and adding "-dev" at the end, 
+          for example 2.1m3-dev.
+        </p>
+          Change the version in <em></em> to the same value.
+        </p>
+          Update the <em></em> and enable all blocks that you 
+          disabled for the release.
+        </p>
+          Change <em>status.xml</em> by adding the release with proper version 
+          and date and start a new release section with placeholders. Add a 
+          action here.
+        </p>
+          Check-in all these changes.
+        </p>
+<a name="N1010B"></a><a name="Signing+the+Release"></a>
+<h4>Signing the Release</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Therefore you have to put your public key in the KEYS file (before 
+          starting the release process!). 
+          In addition create a md5 file for the distribution
+        </p>
+<a name="N10115"></a><a name="Bugtracking"></a>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Enter the new version into bugzilla, so users can file entries 
against it.
+        </p>
+<a name="N1011F"></a><a name="Uploading+the+Release"></a>
+<h4>Uploading the Release</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          The only (ONLY) place where distributions shall reside is inside the
+          <em>/www/</em> on <em></em>.
+        </p>
+          This directory contains three subdirectories:
+        </p>
+<li>BINARIES: this is where the binary distribution tar/zipballs are 
+<li>SOURCES: this is where the source distribution tar/zipballs are 
+<li>OLD: all old and deprecated distributions.</li>
+          Upload the release (including signatures and MD5 files)
+          to <em></em> and put it under 
+          into the correct directories (SOURCES and BINARIES). Make sure that 
you set 
+          the permissions correctly. It's important to give the group write 
+        </p>
+          Add/change the links from the cocoon directory to the new version in
+          the sources/binaries directory. Update the README.html and the 
+          For more information see below.
+        </p>
+          In the future, when other subprojects of Cocoon will start putting 
out their
+          own releases, new directories will be created under the top level 
+          with the same structure. For example the final directory will look 
+          like:
+        </p>
+<pre class="code">
+|  |
+|  +- cocoon-2.0.3-bin.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  \- cocoon-2.0.4-bin.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  +- cocoon-2.0.3-src.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  +- cocoon-2.0.4-src.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  +- cocoon-2.1m1-src.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  \- cocoon-2.1m2-src.tar.gz
++- OLD/
+|  | 
+|  +- cocoon-1.8.1.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  \- cocoon-1.8.2.tar.gz
++- cocoon-latest-bin.tar.gz -&gt; BINARIES/cocoon-2.0.4-bin.tar.gz
++- cocoon-latest-src.tar.gz -&gt; SOURCES/cocoon-2.0.4-src.tar.gz
++- lenya/
+|  |
+|  +- BINARIES/
+|  |  |
+|  |  \- cocoon-lenya-1.0-bin.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  +- SOURCES/
+|  |  |
+|  |  \- cocoon-lenya-1.0-src.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  +- cocoon-lenya-latest-bin.tar.gz -&gt; BINARIES/cocoon-lenya-1.0-bin.tar.gz
+|  |
+|  \- cocoon-lenya-latest-src.tar.gz -&gt; SOURCES/cocoon-lenya-1.0-src.tar.gz
+\- license.txt
+        </pre>
+<a name="N10152"></a><a name="Announcement"></a>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Announce to the developer list that the release process is finished 
+          and end a possible code freeze.
+        </p>
+<a name="N1015C"></a><a name="Take+a+break..."></a>
+<h4>Take a break...</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Now wait for 24h so the mirror sites can pick up the new version.
+          You can have a look at <a 
href="";>mirror info page</a> 
+          to see the status of the mirrors.
+        </p>
+<a name="N1016A"></a><a name="Update+mirror+page"></a>
+<h4>Update mirror page</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Change the mirror.html in the cocoon-site module as well and update 
+          single file on the website. For more information see below.
+        </p>
+<a name="N10174"></a><a name="Create+the+announcement+mail"></a>
+<h4>Create the announcement mail</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Currently this is hand-typed (or copied) - we have to reinstall the 
+          announcement target. Send this email to wherever appropriate.
+          Currently it goes to (dev at, users at,
+          general at and announcements at
+        </p>
+          Remember that the locations to mention in any announcements when 
+          are involved is <em></em>.
+          So that people will actually __use__ the mirrors and not peg the 
+          bandwidth (which is quite expensive).
+        </p>
+<a name="N10184"></a><a name="Register+final+version"></a>
+<h4>Register final version</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Enter a final version (no betas or milestones) into Freshmeat.
+        </p>
+<a name="N1018E"></a><a name="Update+the+site+docs"></a>
+<h4>Update the site docs</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Update the site docs as described <a 
+        </p>
+<a name="N1019C"></a><a name="Enter+new+version"></a>
+<h4>Enter new version</h4>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+          Update the latest version on the <a 
+        </p>
+<a name="N101AA"></a><a name="Publishing+and+linking"></a>
+<h3>Publishing and linking</h3>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+Once the distribution ball is rolled following the naming convention and
+copied in the appropriate directory as outlined above, make sure that the
+following links are present (and only those links) in the root directory for
+the project/subproject:
+      </p>
+- A link to the latest released stable version for each tar/zipball:
+  for example, if the latest release is 2.0.4, and this release includes
+  3 different balls, 2 for binaries and 1 for sources, the following
+  links must be done:
+      </p>
+<pre class="code">
+  # cd /www/
+  # ln -s BINARIES/cocoon-2.0.4-vm14-bin.tar.gz cocoon-2.0.4-vm14-bin.tar.gz
+  # ln -s BINARIES/
+  # ln -s BINARIES/cocoon-2.0.4-bin.tar.gz cocoon-2.0.4-bin.tar.gz
+  # ln -s BINARIES/
+  # ln -s SOURCES/cocoon-2.0.4-src.tar.gz cocoon-2.0.4-src.tar.gz
+  # ln -s SOURCES/
+      </pre>
+- A link to the latest milestone version for each tar/zipball (if present):
+  for example, if 2.1m1 publishes only one ball, the source one:
+      </p>
+<pre class="code">
+  # cd /www/
+  # ln -s SOURCES/cocoon-2.1-src.tar.gz cocoon-2.1-src.tar.gz
+  # ln -s SOURCES/
+      </pre>
+- A link to the LATEST STABLE DOWNLOADABLE with the "version" string
+  replaced by the "latest" keyword. If the above example of 2.0.4 is still
+  valid:
+      </p>
+<pre class="code">
+  # cd /www/
+  # ln -s BINARIES/ccoon-2.0.4-vm14-bin.tar.gz cocoon-latest-vm14-bin.tar.gz
+  # ln -s BINARIES/
+  # ln -s BINARIES/cocoon-2.0.4-bin.tar.gz cocoon-latest-bin.tar.gz
+  # ln -s BINARIES/
+  # ln -s SOURCES/cocoon-2.0.4-src.tar.gz cocoon-latest-src.tar.gz
+  # ln -s SOURCES/
+      </pre>
+Make sure to change the "latest version" strings and URLs in the README.html
+and HEADER.html files in the /www/ directory and
+the mirror.html file in the /www/ directory.
+      </p>
+<div class="attribution"></div>
+</td><td width="10"><img width="10" height="1" alt="" 
src="../skin/images/spacer.gif" class="spacer"></td>
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+<td colspan="2" height="1" bgcolor="#4C6C8F"><img height="1" width="1" alt="" 
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href="../skin/images/label.gif"></a><a href="../skin/images/page.gif"></a><a 
href="../skin/images/current.gif"></a><a href="/favicon.ico"></a></td>
+<td colspan="2" bgcolor="#CFDCED" class="copyright" align="center"><font 
size="2" face="Arial, Helvetica, Sans-Serif">Copyright &copy;
+          2003-2004&nbsp;The Apache Software Foundation. All rights 
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+            //  --></script></font></td>
+<td colspan="2" align="left" bgcolor="#CFDCED" class="logos"></td>
+<!--================= end Footer ==================-->

Modified: cocoon/site/site/history.html
--- cocoon/site/site/history.html       (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/history.html       Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
-<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
+<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
@@ -228,6 +228,16 @@
 <a href="link/hosting.html">Cocoon Hosting</a>
+<font color="#CFDCED">Developer Infos</font>
+<a href="devinfo/index.html">Developer Infos</a>

Modified: cocoon/site/site/incubation.html
--- cocoon/site/site/incubation.html    (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/incubation.html    Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
-<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
+<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
@@ -228,6 +228,16 @@
 <a href="link/hosting.html">Cocoon Hosting</a>
+<font color="#CFDCED">Developer Infos</font>
+<a href="devinfo/index.html">Developer Infos</a>

Modified: cocoon/site/site/index.html
--- cocoon/site/site/index.html (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/index.html Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
-<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
+<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
@@ -232,6 +232,16 @@
+<font color="#CFDCED">Developer Infos</font>
+<a href="devinfo/index.html">Developer Infos</a>
 <!--================= end Menu items ==================-->
@@ -334,7 +344,7 @@
         The documentation is located in each module and on the website
         under each specific Cocoon version. There is also the community
         effort to maintain the extensive
-        <a href="";>Cocoon Wiki</a>.
+        <a href="";>Cocoon Wiki</a>.

Modified: cocoon/site/site/link/livesites-2.0.html
--- cocoon/site/site/link/livesites-2.0.html    (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/link/livesites-2.0.html    Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -370,10 +370,13 @@
 <a href="";>Stock Lottery</a>
+<a href="";></a> - Cocoon-based 
CMS, eCommerce, eBusiness and web-based GIS solution provider (German)</li>
-<a name="N100B8"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.0.3"></a>
+<a name="N100BE"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.0.3"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.0.3</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -431,7 +434,7 @@
-<a name="N10110"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.0.2"></a>
+<a name="N10116"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.0.2"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.0.2</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -466,7 +469,7 @@
-<a name="N1013C"></a><a name="unknown+version"></a>
+<a name="N10142"></a><a name="unknown+version"></a>
 <h4>unknown version</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -532,7 +535,7 @@
-<a name="N10193"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
+<a name="N10199"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
 <h3>How to get listed</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">

Modified: cocoon/site/site/link/livesites-2.1.html
--- cocoon/site/site/link/livesites-2.1.html    (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/link/livesites-2.1.html    Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -264,7 +264,7 @@
 <a href="#How+to+get+listed">How to get listed</a>
-  <!--<li><link href=""></link></li>-->
+ <!--<li><link href=""></link></li>-->
 <a name="N10015"></a><a name="Live+Sites+powered+by+Apache+Cocoon+2.1"></a>
 <h3>Live Sites powered by Apache Cocoon 2.1</h3>
@@ -293,10 +293,27 @@
 <a href="";>Computeractive - simple clear 
computer advice</a>
+<a href="";>R&ouml;tgesb&uuml;ttel</a>- a small 
town in Germany</li>
+<a href="";>Center for Satellite Based Crisis 
Information (ZKI)</a>
+      - engaged in the acquisition, analysis and provision of satellite based
+      information products on natural disasters, for humanitarian relief
+      actions and in the context of civil security</li>
+<a href="";>Coal Fire Research Project</a>
+      - a Sino-German Initiative to understand and combat the processes
+      leading to and influencing the development of coal fires in China.</li>
+<a href="";>LearnKey</a> - Computer Based Trainings, 
Lernprogramme f&uuml;r die MS Office Familie</li>
-<a name="N10043"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.4"></a>
+<a name="N1005B"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.4"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.1.4</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -308,7 +325,7 @@
 <a href="";>Olympic Plaza Megamall, Kiev, 
Ukraine</a> (English, Russian)</li>
-<a href="";>Wisconsin Department of Commerce</a>
+<a href="";>Wisconsin Department of Commerce - 
Bureau of Housing</a>
@@ -345,7 +362,7 @@
-<a name="N10094"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.3"></a>
+<a name="N100AC"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.3"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.1.3</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -378,7 +395,7 @@
-<a name="N100CB"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.2"></a>
+<a name="N100E3"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.2"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.1.2</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -409,7 +426,7 @@
-<a name="N100F4"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.1"></a>
+<a name="N1010C"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1.1"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.1.1</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -436,7 +453,7 @@
-<a name="N10119"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1"></a>
+<a name="N10131"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.1</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -461,7 +478,7 @@
-<a name="N10148"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1-dev"></a>
+<a name="N10160"></a><a name="Cocoon+2.1-dev"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon 2.1-dev</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -514,7 +531,7 @@
-<a name="N1018F"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
+<a name="N101A7"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
 <h3>How to get listed</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">

Modified: cocoon/site/site/link/projects.html
--- cocoon/site/site/link/projects.html (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/link/projects.html Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -318,11 +318,15 @@
 <a href="";>xReporter</a> is an 
Avalon/Cocoon-based database reporting application that makes use of XML report
   definitions to produce HTML, CSV, Excel and PDF reports available across a 
web interface.</li>
+<a href="";>CocoonGallery</a> is a Cocoon 
based photogallery mainly written in XSLT.
+It makes it possible to publish images easily by just dropping them in a 
folder, thumbnails are generated on the fly.</li>
-<a name="N10061"></a><a name="Cocoon-related+Projects"></a>
+<a name="N10067"></a><a name="Cocoon-related+Projects"></a>
 <h3>Cocoon-related Projects</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -381,7 +385,7 @@
-<a name="N1009B"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
+<a name="N100A1"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
 <h3>How to get listed</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">

Modified: cocoon/site/site/link/sites.html
--- cocoon/site/site/link/sites.html    (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/link/sites.html    Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -248,8 +248,8 @@
-<a href="";>CocoDocoWiki</a>, the Cocoon
-Documentation Wiki.</li>
+<a href="";>Cocoon Wiki</a>
 <a href="";></a>
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@
-<a name="N10065"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
+<a name="N10064"></a><a name="How+to+get+listed"></a>
 <h3>How to get listed</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">

Modified: cocoon/site/site/news/archives.html
--- cocoon/site/site/news/archives.html (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/news/archives.html Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -271,8 +271,9 @@
 <a name="N1006F"></a><a name="Wiki+Moving"></a>
 <h3>Wiki Moving</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
-<p>The popular Cocoon Wiki has moved: <a 
href="";></a> is
-      the new place to be.</p>
+<p>The popular Cocoon Wiki was hosted by <a 
 <a name="N1007D"></a><a name="Cocoon+GetTogether"></a>
@@ -299,7 +300,7 @@
-<a href="";>Cocoon Wiki</a> focuses on content 
development for the Cocoon project. It is designed to facilitate document 
development and collaboration from all levels of Cocoon users. Documents 
include FAQs, snippets, how-tos, tutorials, RTs (random thoughts), dreams, 
surveys, and more. The preliminary focus of this the wiki is to serve as a 
documentation "breeding ground," where docs can "grow" until mature enough to 
become official cvs docs. However, it already represents a lively and valid 
document resource in its own right.
+<a href="";>Cocoon Wiki</a> focuses on content 
development for the Cocoon project. It is designed to facilitate document 
development and collaboration from all levels of Cocoon users. Documents 
include FAQs, snippets, how-tos, tutorials, RTs (random thoughts), dreams, 
surveys, and more. The preliminary focus of this the wiki is to serve as a 
documentation "breeding ground," where docs can "grow" until mature enough to 
become official cvs docs. However, it already represents a lively and valid 
document resource in its own right.

Modified: cocoon/site/site/news/index.html
--- cocoon/site/site/news/index.html    (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/news/index.html    Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -158,6 +158,9 @@
 <ul class="minitoc">
+<a href="#July+2004">July 2004</a>
 <a href="#May+2004">May 2004</a>
@@ -181,23 +184,33 @@
-<a name="N1000C"></a><a name="May+2004"></a>
+<a name="N1000C"></a><a name="July+2004"></a>
+<h3>July 2004</h3>
+<div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
+        Released Cocoon on July, 9th. The license was missing in
+        the original release of 2.1.5. This version is the same as 2.1.5
+        but with the additional files.
+      </p>
+<a name="N10016"></a><a name="May+2004"></a>
 <h3>May 2004</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
 <p>Released Cocoon 2.1.5 on May, 24th.</p>
-<a name="N10016"></a><a name="February+2004"></a>
+<a name="N10020"></a><a name="February+2004"></a>
 <h3>February 2004</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
 <p>Released Cocoon 2.1.4 on Feburary, 12th.</p>
-<a name="N10020"></a><a name="November+2003"></a>
+<a name="N1002A"></a><a name="November+2003"></a>
 <h3>November 2003</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
 <p>Released Cocoon 2.1.3 on November, 13th.</p>
-<a name="N10029"></a><a name="ApacheCon+US+2003"></a>
+<a name="N10033"></a><a name="ApacheCon+US+2003"></a>
 <h4>ApacheCon US 2003</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
@@ -207,10 +220,10 @@
-<a name="N10038"></a><a name="October+2003"></a>
+<a name="N10042"></a><a name="October+2003"></a>
 <h3>October 2003</h3>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">
-<a name="N1003E"></a><a name="Cocoon+GetTogether+2003"></a>
+<a name="N10048"></a><a name="Cocoon+GetTogether+2003"></a>
 <h4>Cocoon GetTogether 2003</h4>
 <div style="margin-left: 0 ; border: 2px">

Modified: cocoon/site/site/skin/page.css
--- cocoon/site/site/skin/page.css      (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/skin/page.css      Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -45,12 +45,13 @@
 .note { border: solid 1px #7099C5; background-color: #f0f0ff; }
 .note .label { background-color: #7099C5; color: #ffffff; }
+.note .label { background-color: #7099C5; color: #ffffff; padding: 5px 5px 5px 
10px; }
 .warning { border: solid 1px #D00000; background-color: #fff0f0; }
-.warning .label { background-color: #D00000; color: #ffffff; }
+.warning .label { background-color: #D00000; color: #ffffff; padding: 5px 5px 
5px 10px; }
 .fixme { border: solid 1px #C6C600; background-color: #FAF9C3; }
-.fixme .label { background-color: #C6C600; color: #ffffff; }
+.fixme .label { background-color: #C6C600; color: #ffffff; padding: 5px 5px 
5px 10px; }
 .code { border-color: #CFDCED; border-style: solid; border-width: 1px; }
 .codefrag { font-family: "Courier New", Courier, monospace; }

Modified: cocoon/site/site/versioning.html
--- cocoon/site/site/versioning.html    (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/versioning.html    Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
-<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
+<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
@@ -228,6 +228,16 @@
 <a href="link/hosting.html">Cocoon Hosting</a>
+<font color="#CFDCED">Developer Infos</font>
+<a href="devinfo/index.html">Developer Infos</a>

Modified: cocoon/site/site/whoweare.html
--- cocoon/site/site/whoweare.html      (original)
+++ cocoon/site/site/whoweare.html      Thu Sep 30 23:08:59 2004
@@ -174,7 +174,7 @@
-<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
+<a href="";>Wiki docs</a>
@@ -232,6 +232,16 @@
+<font color="#CFDCED">Developer Infos</font>
+<a href="devinfo/index.html">Developer Infos</a>
 <!--================= end Menu items ==================-->
@@ -290,6 +300,12 @@
 <li>Nicola Ken Barozzi</li>
+<li>Ugo Cei</li>
+<li>Tony Collen</li>
 <li>Marcus Crafter</li>
@@ -317,19 +333,19 @@
 <li>Joerg Heinicke</li>
-<li>Geoff Howard</li>
+<li>Unico Hommes</li>
-<li>Bernhard Huber</li>
+<li>Geoff Howard</li>
-<li>Ivelin Ivanov</li>
+<li>Bernhard Huber</li>
 <li>Matthew Langham</li>
-<li>Berin Loritsch</li>
+<li>Timothy Larson</li>
 <li>Stefano Mazzocchi</li>
@@ -338,22 +354,16 @@
 <li>Michael Melhem</li>
-<li>John Morrison</li>
 <li>Steven Noels</li>
-<li>Andrew C. Oliver</li>
 <li>Giacomo Pati</li>
-<li>Konstantin Piroumian</li>
+<li>Reinhard Poetz</li>
-<li>Ovidiu Predescu</li>
+<li>Marc Portier</li>
 <li>Jeremy Quinn</li>
@@ -366,12 +376,9 @@
 <li>Andrew Savory</li>
-<li>Diana Shannon</li>
-<li>Jeff Turner</li>
 <li>Sylvain Wallez</li>
@@ -386,7 +393,7 @@
 <p>The Cocoon PMC can be contacted at <span 
-    and is currently chaired by Steven Noels.</p>
+    and is currently chaired by Sylvain Wallez.</p>
 <div class="attribution"></div>

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