Fabio D'Alfonso wrote:
> Hi,
> I appreciate very much the effort you made to enhance cvs.
> This shareware like change in the policy  to add messages in the software, 
> will not get expected results, in my opinion.
> I unfortunately expect that this will reinforce migration to other tools 
> like, but not only svn that your efforts rightly contained in the past years, 
> adding missing features to make cvs better.
> Also the  most of people will stay on previous versions, unless you'll remove 
> from downloadables.
Well it's a tradeoff.. losing some to gain a few who can fund the 
project.  It only affects the builds we make, so the various linux 
versions etc. will not have the message.  We already (I think) told 
Torsten how to disable it in TortoiseCVS as well.

We already posted how to switch it off once on this list already, for 
the more observant :)

Ultimately evs is the answer - its versions are differentiated and the 
free version is clearly a trial.  OTOH it serves a different audience.

There's a need for both products to continue, and making people aware 
that there even *is* a commercial version of cvsnt (given that only 
about .01% of the users actually frequent this list) is tricker.

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