Mike, lots of questions below.  You appear to be getting *somewhere*, but I'm 
not sure it's where you want to be.

> From: Mike Kay
> I have coders located in remote locations. They need to be
> able to connect
> up the the CVS server, check in code, check out code, and
> most importantly
> merge code. I then backup the code from the CVS server.

How do the remote coders authenticate to the CVS server?  In particular, do 
they log in to a domain known to and trsuted by the CVS server?

> My setup:
> I have a CVS server set up behind a firewall. This server is
> a win 2003 box.
> I have CVSNT installed on this box and a repository defined. In this
> directory is code that has been FTPd there.

A CVS repository on disk does not contain code files.  Its format is internal, 
and should be considered "magic".  If you have just FTPed code there, you 
should remove those code files, use the CVSNT control panel applet to 
initialise the repository correctly and use CVS to import the code.

Treat the CVSNT server as if it was a database server.  You wouldn't hack at 
Oracle's storage files or assume anything about their format; you should not 
assume anything about CVSNT's files.

> I believe I have the ports opened on both the firewall and
> the CVS server.
> I KNOW the CVS server port is opened. Double checking the firewall.

You should just need 2401/tcp open.

> So I'm trying to log in using WinCVS. Just login. I go to
> Admin - login.
> I click the button ...   CVSROOT is selected.
> The next dialog box opens up and I have numerous options.
> Here is how I'm
> setup:
> Protocol - sspi
> Username/password - I have checked to make sure that the username is
> valid, the password is valid, and the user has rights to the
> root dir of
> the CVS.

OK.  That may or may not be appropriate depending on the answers to my 
authentication question above.

> On the CVSNT machine under the Server Settings Tab I
> have the Run
> as user set to the same user as I am trying to log on as.

Why?  You should leave it as the installation default, so that the CVS service 
can impersonate the user that logs in.

> Hostname: I am not sure what to put here.  If I enter the
> public IP that I
> believe I should be using, then I get the following error message:CVS
> exited normally with code 0.

Good.  At least you can commuicate!

> So I tried adding a new repository under the remote dropdown.
> I added all
> the same information for a remote repository. I get the
> following error
> message:Protocol error: Root request missing.

Create a repository using the Control Panel applet.  Far easier than trying to 
use WinCVS in my experience.

                - Peter
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