
> Login to server via Putty (a-okay)
> At server command line:  
> cvs -d :pserver:m...@ipaddress:/full_path_to_repository_root login 
> Error returned " . . . no such repository" 

Note: physical paths mean nothing in CVSNT - they are a security risk:
cvs -d :pserver:m...@ipaddress:/alias_path_as_defined login

When you init'ed the repository you will have defined a physical and a
logical 'alias' - it's the alias you should use:

Please submit the relavent information with support requests:

Without knowing the version of CVSNT on the server and the
/etc/cvsnt/PServer we'd only be speculating.  Note: the mailing list
rejects attachments and messages over 8K so only submit the relavent
parts of the config files etc.

Note: the most common cause of this error are:
1) that the repository is not registered in /etc/cvsnt/PServer 
2) /etc/cvsnt/PServer is not readable by all users
3) /full_path_to_repository_root should be /alias_path_as_defined

You can also try using SSH:
cvs -d :ssh:m...@ipaddress:/alias_path_as_defined login


Arthur Barrett
cvsnt mailing list

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