Hi Arthur,

Thanks for your guidance.

My current setting for file /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver are:
service cvspserver
socket_type = stream
protocol = tcp
wait = no
user = cvs
passenv = PATH
server = /usr/local/bin/cvsnt
server_args = authserver
disable = no

> cvs [login aborted]: authorization failed: server rejected
access to /usr/local/cvsrep/ for user cvs
>>>That is a different error to the subject of this thread.
>>> The error "authorization failed" usually means that you are not
authorized, common causes are:
* wrong password ---> Checked my password; it’s correct.
* incorrect SystemAuth setting in /usr/local/cvsrep/CVSROOT/config --->
‘SystemAuth=yes’ in config file.
* problem with /usr/local/cvsrep/CVSROOT/passwd ---> Contents of
CVSROOT/passwd file are: cvs:XdmuQ8SRTP8U2

While connecting to the server using WinCVS, I was earlier passing the
following, which was wrong as pointed by J.R. Heisey in ‘

cvs -z9 -d :pserver:c...@ login

So, I changed it to the following but to no avail. Only difference now is
the error message:
cvs -z9 -d :pserver:c...@ login
Logging in to :pserver:c...@
cvs [login aborted]: /CVSROOT: no such repository
***** CVS exited normally with code 1 *****

Also, is the port 2401 allocated properly below?
[r...@localhost CVSROOT]# netstat -nap | grep 2401
tcp 0 0* LISTEN 4074/xinetd

Arthur, I want to solve this ‘pserver’ access issue and then want to go for
others. I think, I am just missing some small point in this connection

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