
> I have tried using 
> but
> when I search it says 404 error so I'll try hitting up the list.

The URL is:

As explained in the FAQ:

There are still a few 'old' links to that other page, but I am purging
them as fast as I find them...  I've just fixed a few more - let me know
if you still find any more of the older ones...

> I am experiencing a problem in a source system where 
> occasionally users receive a 
> cvs [update aborted]: writing to server socket: error -1

It usually means the server process disappeared - because the traffic
was stopped (eg: firewall) or because the server process terminated.
You'll need to do a server trace to find out which, see the faq:

> Additionally, we are having problems with permissions on the remote
> server. A file with a ,(comma) in front of it will appear on 
> a commit or
> tagging sequence and we have to manually remove it on the server to
> clear it up.

Probably related to the item above - if the server process fails then
junk files may be left around (though you shouldn't need to clean these
up - they are usually ignored and cleaned up automatically during the
next commit/tag).

> Additionally, there are permissions errors locally in accessing the
> /CVS/Repository file locally, but the problem is intermittent and
> running another update command clears it up.

Usually these problems are caused by anti-virus software.  We've
performed a lot of optimisation in the CVS Suite to reduce the chance of
this, but it occasionally still happens even there (though we are about
to perform another round of fixes on that).


Arthur Barrett
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