En Fri, 30 Oct 2009 10:49:10 -0300, Rodrigo <racasti...@hotmail.com> escribió:

Another couple of questions from a newbie (my server machine runs CVSNT Server, my client machine runs WinCVS):

1) How do I remove module from my current repository?

If you want to completely remove a top level module (so all traces of its existence are gone) - remove the corresponding directory in the repository; this must be done on the server. I think this is only sensible on a test server, or a test module. Usually you WANT to keep history, that's the whole point of using a versioning system, ok?

If you want to remove a subdirectory inside another module, delete all its contents (from the working copy, cvs remove; use the -P option in cvs update)

2) How do delete a complete repository, to start a new one?

Delete the corresponding directory on the server. Again, this has any sense for a testing server.

3) If I want to replace my CVS Server machine, do I simply copy the repository directory from the old to the new machine, or are there other things I need to do?

Basically, yes. You must replicate the same configuration on the new server (using the CVSNT control panel; settings are stored in the registry, if you want to export and import them). Also, you should review the configuration files and copy any script referenced there.

4) When should I use the "release" command from WinCVS?

I don't know about WinCVS, but the CVSNT release command is used to tell CVSNT that you are not interested in working with that directory anymore. Optionally, it may remove all CVS control files, or all files.

5) If I want to import a module and start working on it immediately, should I check out the module right after importing it into the repository?

Pass. I don't know the WinCVS workflow. With TortoiseCVS, it is enough to use the "Create new module" menu option followed by "Add contents" and a final "Commit".

Gabriel Genellina
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