
> CVS client: (CVSNT) 2.5.03 (Scorpio) Build 2382

This is very very old - please upgrade (preferably to the 2.5.05 RC out
later today), or 2.5.04 which is the current stable.

> You can very easily reproduce the bug by checking out the following 
> repository and updating it immediately:
> CVSROOT: :pserver:tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tinyos
> REPOSITORY: tinyos-2.x

The 'repository' is: /cvsroot/tinyos the 'module' is: tinyos-2.x - I
hate to be a pedant but using the correct terminology facilitates

cvs -d :pserver:tinyos.cvs.sourceforge.net:/cvsroot/tinyos co tinyos-2.x
cd tinyos-2.x
cvs up -P 1> tos_update_agb.log 2> tos_update_agb.txt

I've looked through the output and cannot find any error such as what
you describe.

cvs ver
Client: Concurrent Versions System (CVSNT) 2.5.05 (Gan) Build 3648
Server: Concurrent Versions System (CVS) 1.11.20 (client/server)

> If you update a module that has an XXX directory that is empty (and is
> automatically pruned at checkout) and another one called xxx that
> contains data, then the update fails saying that some files are in the
> way (probably when it wants to prune the empty directory). 

Not a bug - please read the manual - see the description of 'cvs update

Please always check the FAQ:

If you had recently re-read the FAQ you would have been reminded to:
* include the exact command
* include the relavent portion of a trace
* read the manual
* google first, since this has been discussed over and over again, see:

I appreciate that this is frustrating when you 'accidentally' create a
directory in UPPERCASE and want to 'replace' it with one in lowercase.
There is no way to permanently delete such a mistake from the client and
the UPPERCASE one always appears first in the sort order.  You may know
that the UPPERCASE directory is empty, but unfortunately CVSNT does not
until it looks - and by then you've got an 'in the way' error.

Unfortunately such accidents are not really the fault of CVSNT and
therefore not really within the ability of CVSNT programmers to fix.
The administrator of your repository should remove the 'XXX' directory
from the repository (which may be difficult with sourceforge - but again
- that is not due to a lack of functionality within CVSNT).


Arthur Barrett

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