Looks like the server is crashing.   I'm getting a blah blah pid
xyx(cvsnt) coredumped in my /var/log/messages file.  This from cvsnt
login.  Don't know how to make it more basic than that...


On Thu, Feb 11, 2010 at 5:22 PM, Steve Franks <bahamasfra...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Upgraded cvsnt to 2.5.04 on my server, at which point it promptly
> stopped working.  I can't seem to google anything remotely close to
> the behavior I'm seeing, and all the files in /usr/local/etc/cvsnt
> look fine to me, so hopefully someone has insight...
> Thanks,
> Steve
> Try pserver locally:
> [st...@aire ~/cvsnt_test]$ cvsnt -z9 -q -t -d:pserver:st...@localhost/fd login
> 16:56:10:   -> Tracelevel set to 1.  PID is 65774
> 16:56:10:   -> Session ID is 100ee4b74991aa0a9
> 16:56:10:   -> Session time is Thu Feb 11 23:56:10 2010
> 16:56:10:   -> main loop with CVSROOT=:pserver:st...@localhost/fd
> Logging in to :pserver:st...@localhost:2401:/fd
> CVS Password:
> cvsnt [login aborted]: Error reading from server localhost: 0: File exists
> Try sserver remote:
> [st...@dystant /usr/home/steve/projects]$ cvsnt -z9 -q -t update -d
> 16:57:55:   -> Tracelevel set to 1.  PID is 10889
> 16:57:55:   -> Session ID is 2a894b7499838e28
> 16:57:55:   -> Session time is Thu Feb 11 23:57:55 2010
> 16:57:55:   -> main loop with
> CVSROOT=:sserver:st...@franks-development.dyndns.biz/fd
> Read data failed (5): Server dropped connection.
> cvsnt [update aborted]: Error reading from server
> franks-development.dyndns.biz: -1: Permission denied
> [st...@dystant /usr/home/steve/projects]$
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