
We use CVSNT 2.5.03 Build 2382 and TortoiseCVS 1.10.10

This query is along similar lines to: http://www.cvsnt.org/pipermail/cvsnt/2008-April/030581.html
, though there didnt seem to be an answer to that particular thread..

I am wanting to implement ACL's to only let the review manager to check in to HEAD, rather than developers. I know how to setup the ACL's, but due to CVS treating the check in request as a success, due to is successfully ignoring it, it is possible that people will think the check in is successful when its not. I have set the reporting preferences to 'LOUD' but this only does so much...

I have been trying to insert a script or something inbetween Tortoise and CVS ie within the precommand, postcommand etc, but I'm not having much luck. I can pick up that the commit failed on postcommand due to changes in the arguments, but it doesnt look for a returned error code from the script. Precommand will look for a returned error code, but does not pass through the target branch, where I could then review the ACL's that have been setup and make a decision...

Is there any other options?

Thanks in advance


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