Hi Wally,

I realize CACI is a large company, but at least one group within CACI has purchased support. If you are part of that group, email me directly ASAP so we can get you added to the contact list and get your question answered. This forum is not for commercial support.

On the other hand, if you are not with the group who has commercial support and are looking for community support, I know they will need additional details like the version of CVSNT, your CVSROOT, contents of passwd might help. It's also possible it's as simple as a bad line ending or unicode BOM problem -- e.g. try restoring the file from a backup rather than editing it again to revert the change.


On 5/3/2010 9:56 AM, Wallace Edwards wrote:
Have you ever seen an error like this?

Fatal error, aborting.
cvs [update aborted]: cvs
: no such user

I thought at first that it was telling me there was a stray colon in the 
password file but I can't find one...

I was updating the password file in CVSROOT when it started and now the error 
occurs anytime anyone tries to do anything (literally, anything - login, 
update, edit, etc.). I've gone back in through the server side and backed out 
the change to CVSROOT/passwd, but no luck.

Any help anyone can provide would be greatly appreciated - we're dead in the 
water until I can resolve this.

Wally Edwards


Glen Starrett
Technical Account Manager, North America
March Hare Software, LLC
800-653-1501 x803

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