
Please contact the mailing list - not me directly.

> A million thanks for your quick and useful help.  The first 
> three error
> messages have been resolved using your suggestion but you did not say
> anything about the fourth (and last) error message...
> "Scanning for web log URL on server
> Trying http://tor-db02/cgi-bin/viewcvs.cgi/...
> .
> .
> .
> Module list not available for server tor-db02.  Ask your 
> administrator to either install a web browser interface 
> on the server (CVSweb or ViewCVS) or
> add the modules to the CVSROOT/modules file.  Meanwhile, 
> you'll have to find the module name elsewhere."

That message is issued by TortoiseCVS, it's not a CVSNT error:

TortoiseCVS is fantastic at managing sandboxes, but I recommend CVS
Suite Studio for managing repositories, just drag folders from your PC
onto the server to add them or drag them from the server to a folder to
check out:


Arthur Barrett

cvsnt mailing list

Upgrade to CVS Suite for more features and support: http://march-hare.com/cvsnt/

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