Hello all,

How can I start up an Amazon EC2 instance every day?

I have an EC2 instance that I start up every morning and shut down
every evening.  The shutdown process is internal to the instance and
is run via cron:

#  GMT times
15 5 * * * /sbin/poweroff

In contrast, the startup process is handled by a cron job that runs on
my home system:

# EDT times
0 8 * * * /usr/bin/ec2-start-instances i-12cf1e3c

The home system is getting retired as I hardly use it and there really
isn't a need for it to be on 24/7.

Does anyone know of another way to start up EC2 instances daily?  I'd
like to avoid having a second server whose sole purpose is to startup
an EC2 instance.

A Google search suggests that what I am looking for may not be possible:


but thought I'd ask given that that article is from two years ago.

- Robert

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