Hi all,


Am trying to figure out the semantics of the default bus in CXF; I can
see that BusFactory returns a Bus interface, and so far I've found two
implementations of this interface: 


*       org.apache.cxf.bus.cxf.CXFBusImpl; and, 
*       org.apache.cxf.bus.spring.SpringBusImpl.


When I call defaultBus() in a standalone service I get an instance of
SpringBusImpl. Under what circumstances would I get a CXFBusImpl
returned? Should we ever refer to SpringBusImpl directly in code (for
example, using explicit constructors from the SpringBusImpl class)? Does
this create a dependency later on, forcing me to deploy in the spring


Any help greatly appreciated! 






Adrian Trenaman

Principal Consultant, IONA Technologies.


P: +353-1-6372659

M: +353-86-6051026


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