Looking at the JAX-WS 2.0 spec:

The following standard exceptions are defined by JAX-WS.

''javax.xml.ws.WebServiceException'' A runtime exception that is thrown by methods in JAX-WS APIs when errors occur during local processing.

''javax.xml.ws.ProtocolException'' A base class for exceptions related to a specific protocol binding. Subclasses are used to communicate protocol level fault information to clients and may be used by a service implementation to control the protocol specific fault representation.

''javax.xml.ws.soap.SOAPFaultException'' A subclass of ProtocolException, may be used to carry SOAP specific information.

''javax.xml.ws.http.HTTPException'' A subclass of ProtocolException, may be used to carry HTTP specific information.

Are these recommended exception types, when writing CXF applications?

The reason I ask is this. My interceptors are designed to raise org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault exteptions under error conditions, as this seems to be the prescribed behavior. Why do I think this? Not sure. I think I read it somewhere. (Sorry I can't be more specific). These exceptions are being thrown from server-side interceptors.

What I'm finding is, my client is getting exceptions of type org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault. Tracing the inheritance tree, we basically seem to have:

 + java.lang.RuntimeException
 + org.apache.cxf.common.i18n.UncheckedException
 + org.apache.cxf.interceptor.Fault
 + org.apache.cxf.binding.soap.SoapFault

No javax.ws.xml.* to be found. Am I throwing the wrong types from my interceptors? Is there any guidance for what to do here? (Apologies for the naivete of the question)

As an aside, is there an analogue to CORBA::SystemException and CORBA::UserException (and their descendents) in jax-ws? The somewhat nice thing about exceptions of that type is that it is a catch-all for problems with the plumbing, as opposed to problems with the application, which can form a convenient switch in a lot of code.

PS> It's a shame exceptions aren't interfaces in Java. (It's also a shame Java doesn't support multiple inheritance, but I won't ignite another holy war! :)


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