I am now using the new WS-MTOMPolicy support (currently in SVN).  

Lately I am noticing some strange behavior.  Many of my responses have
xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2005/08/addressing/wsdl"; at the root element
under the body, even though the response does not use the WS-Addressing.

Example Response:

<soap:Envelope xmlns:soap="http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/";>
    </ns2: MyOperationResponse >

Sometimes, however, this strange behavior does NOT occur.  The most
consistent way I have replicated it is by doing a clean install of my
app, jetty:run-war, and then make sure the first request is MTOM

Also of note is that when the addressing NS is *not* the default NS (As
described above) it still is often defined as another NS with an alias
(even though it's never used).

Any ideas?


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