
The most interesting thing that dawned on me is that a JettyHTTPHandler
\is a/ Jetty \Handler/. Thus, I can instantiate Jetty's standard static
content handler and call it from a subclass of JettyHTTPHandler, since
the same arguments that come into JettyHTTPHandler can be delegated to
the handlers in Jetty and thus avoid the need for what you sent.

To use what you sent, I'd need to fill in the suffix-to-mime-type
department. Not the end of the world, and borrowable from Jetty, but
still clumsy compared to just using Jetty's stuff.

I appreciate your coaching on the transport factory. You presumably saw
the JIRA I created when I tried to reduce the number of extra classes I
had to create by registering my own subclass of the server engine
factory as the bus extension instead of using my own transport factory
to return my own server engine factory to return my own server engine. 

Ironically, I want to get rid of the program I have that uses the
embedded server and replace it with a spring deployment inside a WAR
inside Jetty. However, it was going to be easier on various people if I
got it working, instead.

I have this feeling that I don't have an adequate design understanding
of the relationship between the bus, the spring wiring, and the
hardcoded defaults, so please excuse anything goofy I send.


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