I've just used wsdl2java in CXF for the first time. My goal here is to migrate an existing service from a C++ web service toolkit to CXF. While I'm starting with an existing WSDL, from here I'd like to treat the generated JAXB/JAX-WS code as normative.
So, I'd like to ensure that the usual ?wsdl URL behaves itself via the usual mechanism. Question 1: If I just change the generated @javax.jws.WebService to take out the wsdl location option, will the default collapse to the standard ?wsdl location? Question 2: Does CXF has a side-door so that I can put a WSDL file on classpath and have its contents served up as the response to ?wsdl? Obviously, if I avail myself of this, I'm continuing to treat the wsdl as normative, but I'm avoiding having to make my own arrangements to serve it up.