Hi Ryan,

The problem you are seeing might be because he Header processing is
getting the expectation of header from Service model generated from
WSDL. However, the actual header insertion is not happening because the
generated method signature is not containing the header parameter.

You can take a look at the system tests related to SOAP Headers.


Ulhas Bhole

Ryan Moquin wrote:
> I was able to get this to work now with my scaled down test wsdl, but not
> the full wsdl that I need it to work with, I'll do my best to help you with
> what I know about this.
> I did notice your thread that sounded familiar.  Apparently if you add the
> -exsh true parameter to wsdl2java, you'll end up with an extra parameter in
> your method signature of your port class implementation.  This extra
> parameter is the header specified in your wsdl.  If you don't add the exsh,
> you won't get the parameter and end up with an IndexOutOfBounds error
> because cxf is expecting the header.  I'm not sure why cxf would assume you
> are including the header if you never generated your classes to accept one.
> I know my classes weren't setting the header because when I did a find
> usages on my AuthCredentials class, which is put in the header, it wasn't
> used anywhere.  Actually the generated client code, didn't even actually
> make calls to invoke the webservice.  It would just create a response object
> set to null and return it, and that was it.  So the generated client in my
> opinion was useless anyhow.
> On 9/11/07, Gamble, Wesley (WG10) <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Ryan,
>> "All I
>> get currently is an IndexOutOfBoundsException when CXF tries to create
>> the
>> header of the SOAP message to send,"
>> sounds suspiciously like my problem (thread: "Can't get at SOAP error
>> from Web service...").  I'm getting an index out of bounds exception as
>> well on the header processing.
>> What is the -exsh flag on wsdl2java supposed to do for you?  What does
>> "Enables or disables processing of extended soap header message
>> binding." mean?  How would I know the difference between a regular and
>> an extended soap header message?
>> How do you know that "the generated client classes do NOT set the header
>> that is specified in the binding"?
>> Wes
>> -----Original Message-----
>> From: Ryan Moquin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Sent: Tuesday, September 11, 2007 9:36 AM
>> To: cxf-user@incubator.apache.org
>> Subject: Adding headers to soap request
>> I'm writing this as a new message, but I'm hoping that it's answer will
>> solve my other issue I'm writing about.  I think I'm having having
>> trouble
>> understanding how to add a header to my request using cxf.  In short, I
>> have
>> a WSDL that defines this element:
>> <s:element name="AuthCredentials" type="tns:AuthCredentials"/>
>>       <s:complexType name="AuthCredentials">
>>         <s:sequence>
>>           <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="username"
>> type="s:string"/>
>>           <s:element minOccurs="0" maxOccurs="1" name="password"
>> type="s:string"/>
>>         </s:sequence>
>>       </s:complexType>
>> and then defines a binding that uses it:
>> <wsdl:operation name="sendNotification">
>>       <soap:operation
>> soapAction="urn://testnotification/sendNotification"
>> style="document"/>
>>       <wsdl:input>
>>         <soap:body use="literal"/>
>>         <soap:header message="tns:sendNotificationAuthCredentials"
>> part="AuthCredentials" use="literal"/>
>>       </wsdl:input>
>>       <wsdl:output>
>>         <soap:body use="literal"/>
>>       </wsdl:output>
>>     </wsdl:operation>
>> When I run this WSDL through wsdltojava using -exsh true, the generated
>> client classes do NOT set the header that is specified in the binding,
>> which
>> is what I thought that the -exsh is supposed to do for you.  So
>> basically,
>> I'm trying to figure out how I would add this element to my request.
>> Here
>> is what WSDL to java generated, how do I add the AuthCredentials element
>> to
>> the messagingPort class so that my request will go through with it? All
>> I
>> get currently is an IndexOutOfBoundsException when CXF tries to create
>> the
>> header of the SOAP message to send, I'm guessing because I don't know
>> how to
>> add the header.  I looked at the CXF examples on it, but it doesn't look
>> like the headers are being added as a header:
>> public void sendNotification() {
>>     NotificationService messagingService = null;
>>     NotificationServicePort messagingPort = null;
>>     messagingService = new NotificationService(wsdl, SERVICE_NAME);
>>     messagingPort = messagingService.getNotificationServicePort();
>>     System.out.println("Invoking sendNotification...");
>>     java.lang.String _sendNotification_parametersVal = "";
>>     javax.xml.ws.Holder<java.lang.String> _sendNotification_parameters =
>> new
>> javax.xml.ws.Holder<java.lang.String>(_sendNotification_parametersVal);
>>     messagingPort.sendNotification(_sendNotification_parameters);
>>     System.out.println("sendNotification._sendNotification_parameters="
>> +
>> _sendNotification_parameters.value);
>>   }

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