
It is just as easy to define contract first, without having to create a
WSDL.  For our project, we create our XSDs, generate stubs with JAXB,
create our endpoint implementations (we use annotations), and wire it
all up with Spring.  CXF takes care of the WSDL generation.  It really
is easy.  I'm not sure there is an example within the CXF toolkit but I
could probably come up with one fairly fast if you need one.


On Tue, 2007-09-18 at 06:49 -0700, moraleslos wrote:
> Hi--
> Having gone through the Spring Web Services (SWS) manifesto about
> contract-first as well as their sample examples, I wonder how CXF matches up
> with SWS.  I know that CXF allows contract-first development, but is it as
> simple as SWS?  For example, with SWS, all I need to do is define the XSD
> for my types (the messages and such being passed or returned).  I can then
> have SWS generate the WSDL using basic conventions and the XSDs defined. The
> only other thing to do is to implement the endpoints (Java) that will handle
> the service.  From looking through the CXF site, it looks that if you do
> contract-first, you must define the WSDL along with the XSDs and Java
> service implementations (probably using JSR-181).  Is this the case?  
> Thanks in advance!
> -los

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