Hi ,

Did you configure wsdlLocation as an attribute for jaxws:endpoint like the following example :
 <jaxws:endpoint id="wsdlLocation" implementor="org.apache.cxf.Greeter"
address="http://localhost:8080/sample"; wsdlLocation="wsdl/addNumbers.wsdl"/>

You can also add the wsdlLocation attribute to simple:server to configure wsdl first approach.



mule1 wrote:

I am confused a little for this - I want to do wsdl first configuration and
I define my jaxws:endpoint with wsdlLocation="WEB-INF/hello.wsdl" - but it
just seems that the service is build from the java class and not wsdl file.
e.g. If I specify a completely wrong wsdl filename in wsdlLocation, it
doesn't give any error.

How do I configure wsdl first from xml?

Also is it possible to configure wsdl first using simple:server

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