If you're working with a container, i think you can do this through configuration of the container, to redirect the ?wsdl to a more friendly page,
say, "please contact ... to get the wsdl", or list the service you have etc.

I guess we don't have this function in a standalone service, do we?


But I think we still can do it in the filter, such as:

doFilter() {
              if (URLHasWsdlSuffix()) {
                //Do the Authentication
              } else {
                //access the web service              }

If you don't want to use the filter to do the security, maybe need to add an interceptor or other codes before dealing with WSDLQueryHandler, as willem pointed out in the other mail.



Glen Mazza wrote:
I think he doesn't want people to see the WSDL file.  It's not the
service he wants to restrict, but viewing its WSDL.  I don't know if
that can be done.


Am Mittwoch, den 17.10.2007, 11:11 +0800 schrieb Jeff Yu:

There is an easy way that I came up is to use a filter in web.xml to restrict the access.

Say there are three services: A,B,C , we want to restrict the B,C service. we can pulish the services as following:


And then we will config a filter to restrict the http://lhost.com/service/secure url to do the authentication.

So people can access the A service without any restriction, but need to get authentication to access B,C service.


Egor Samarkhanov wrote:
Hello !

How can I restrict access to WSDL of my service?
I don't want someone to access the
http//host.com/services/myservice?wsdl content.
And I use Servlet transport.

Egor Samarkhanov ([EMAIL PROTECTED])

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