Hi, we have migrated to 2.0.2 version and problem seems to be solved. Thanks 
for help

On Friday 19 of October 2007 11:20:19 Jim Ma wrote:
> This issue is fixed in cxf 2.0.2 . You need to update cxf to 2.0.2 .
> Cheers
> Jim
> Bc. Jiří Mikulášek wrote:
> > Hi,
> > we are using cxf 2.0, we are using wsdl provided by SAP in Norway (and
> > because we don't speak Norwegian and whole application is developed in
> > english we have done this jaxws and jaxb binding customization).
> >
> > So, we are developing client side using cxf, soap binding is
> > document/literal wrapped. We are using soapui to mock the service side
> > (it is a tool which can import wsdl and simply mock the service). We are
> > logging from cxf both requests and response.
> >
> > Jaxb binding is customized both for request and response wrapper. While
> > generating request, everything is OK and problem is while handling
> > response.
> >
> > Our client is started by this code:
> > NoMilSapNumberLookupService service = new
> > NoMilSapNumberLookupService(wsdlUrl, serviceName);
> >         service.getZMMMATEXISTMATNRSoapBinding().existSapNumber(
> >                 ASKING_SYSTEM,
> >                 sapNumber,
> >                 status,
> >                 nsn,
> >                 description);
> >
> > shortened client stub:
> >
> > @WebServiceClient(name = "ZMM_MAT_EXIST_MATNRService", targetNamespace
> > = "urn:sap-com:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style")
> > public class NoMilSapNumberLookupService extends Service {
> >
> > public NoMilSapNumberLookupService(URL wsdlLocation, QName serviceName) {
> >         super(wsdlLocation, serviceName);
> >     }
> > }
> >
> > see wsdl and binding customization in attachment.
> >
> > On Friday 19 of October 2007 09:58:20 Jim Ma wrote:
> >> Hi ,
> >> Could you tell me more information about this issue ?
> >> Which version CXF did you  use ?
> >> How did you start  and call this service ?
> >>
> >> Cheers
> >>
> >> Jim
> >>
> >> Bc. Jiří Mikulášek wrote:
> >>> Hi all,
> >>> I have used wsdl2java with external binding file specified through -b.
> >>> My stubs for client have been generated correctly, but I got in trouble
> >>> during runtime.
> >>>
> >>> The point is, that have renamed response properties names. But it seems
> >>> that cxf ignores jaxb annotations when handling the response wrapper.
> >>>
> >>> More concretly
> >>>
> >>> thanks to this part of external binding file:
> >>>  <jaxws:bindings
> >>> node="wsdl:definitions/wsdl:types/xsd:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'urn:sap-
> >>>co m:document:sap:soap:functions:mc-style']">
> >>>
> >>>             <jaxb:bindings
> >>> node="xsd:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'ZBapiMaterialExistsMatnrResponse']/xsd:complex
> >>>Ty pe/xsd:sequence/xsd:[EMAIL PROTECTED]'MaterialFinnes']"> <jaxb:property
> >>> name="existMark" />
> >>>             </jaxb:bindings>
> >>>
> >>>     </jaxws:bindings>
> >>>
> >>> this code is generated:
> >>>
> >>>  @XmlElement(name = "MaterialFinnes", required = true)
> >>>     protected String existMark;
> >>>
> >>> public String getExistMark() {
> >>>         return existMark;
> >>>     }
> >>>
> >>>     public void setExistMark(String value) {
> >>>         this.existMark = value;
> >>>     }
> >>>
> >>> but when trying to use this client against some mockservice generated
> >>> from the same wsdl I got:
> >>>
> >>> Caused by: java.lang.NoSuchMethodException:
> >>> cz.aura.isl.katalog.davky.control.sapnorway.sapnumberlookup.SapNumberLo
> >>>ok upResponse.getMaterialFinnes() at
> >>> org.apache.cxf.jaxb.WrapperHelper.getWrappedPart(WrapperHelper.java:194
> >>>) at
> >>> org.apache.cxf.jaxws.interceptors.WrapperClassInInterceptor.handleMessa
> >>>ge (WrapperClassInInterceptor.java:136) ... 70 more

Jiri Mikulasek

AURA, s.r.o.
Uvoz 499/56; 602 00 Brno
ISO 9001 certified company
AQAP 2110 (ČOS 051622)
tel./fax: +420 544 508 115

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